Long time ago

6 0 0

i got home and went into my room js not wanting to talk to anyone
I went outside to my lil balcony roof and js sat there looking at the sun as it sets to a dark purple sky
The wind hitting perfectly between my my face and hair
And the silence of birds chirping saying goodnight to eachother
The smell of pincones coming from the woods behind us
And the squirrels running around the fence
Everything was perfect.

I turned around to see Javon at my window
"Nothing- js needed air"
He sat next to me and held me
Ig I did. Trauma him
Since the last time we were here I tried killing my self

I look at him
His eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted a little to the right as he looked at me confused
"What are u talking abt? Sorry for what?"
"For everything" I say looking back at the sunset
"I didn't mean to cause any trouble between u and ur family and friends."
He sighed and rolled his eyes
"How many times have I told u, u have done nothing wrong?"
"Ik but still I'm sorry"

"Come on i Wanna Show u something" he says taking my hand and pulling me out of my house
"Wanna where are we going?"
He approached the golf cart
"Oh god not again"
"Get in y/n"
I rolled my eyes and got into the cart and we left off

I didn't know where we were heading to
We got some ice creams and then he made me close my eyes
"Wanna where are we"
"Trust me"
We finally arrived and wanna takes me out the car still blindfolded.
"Ok stand here- what do u smell"
"A nice breeze"
"What do u hear?"
"The ocean"
"Ok now open!"

I take off the blindfold and see we're at the beach looking at the most beautiful sunset ever.
"Jesus wanna this is so pretty"
"Ik right"
I sit on the sand and finish my ice cream and sit with wanna js looking at the sun and hearing the waves crash on the shore
I started to cry
Happy tears
"Not u crying"
"Shut up u know the sunset is really pretty"
We laugh and stayed there until the sunset was gone and we got back into the cart
I layed my head on wan as shoulder the entire time he was driving
I was exauhsted
We got to my house and we watched a movie
"Wanna stay over??"
"Yea bet" he said jumping up and down
"Lemme js tell my mom "
"Ok see u"

He leaves and closes my door
I get into my shower and change clothes I look out my window when I see Jaden js there playing with his baseball

"IM BACKKK" Wanna says rushing into my room with a whole bag filled with stuff and the matching top we got together
"What happens to (I'm js telling my mom)" I laughed
"Fine then I guess u dont want this delicious snacks"
"Pass them!"
We sit in my bed and watch a movie

Then wanna gets a call
"Hey Wsp?"
I couldn't hear much js mumbling on the phone
"Yea why?"
He responds
I wait patiently
"Bro let it go"
I laugh
"No u can stay over there ur not coming"
"Bc I don't want u to and niether do THEY"
He hints
Guessing he's talking abt me

Before I knew it my door swung open
She jumps on the bed giving me a big hug and pushes wanna off
"Stay there!" We both laugh

After the movie we decided to have a dance party
And wanna was singing kareoke on my bed like a crazy ass person
I was dancing on one side of my bed when I looked out my window to Jaden looking through it
Before I knew It a girl grabbed him and kissed him
Vibe ruined

I stopped dancing
"Ima go to the bathroom"
I leave them and head to my bathroom
I look at myself in the mirror
"We'll it was bound to happen someday, what did u expect"
I laugh it off and Stated my mind
I hate him.

I woke up the next morning ready for baseball practice
Wanna and Jayla weren't back yet
"Mom I'm out"
"Ok be careful honey drive safe"
I went out to my car and put my stuff in the back
When I was gonna leave wanna came in with his car parking in his spot next to me with Jayla and y/n
Looks like they had fun

They got out the car and started to laugh and giggle like they were having the greatest time of thier lives
They didn't even notice me
Especially when I was next to them
I js got into my car and left

Once I finished I headed home
When I got there I went inside to see my mom
"Hey mom is wanna home?"
"No sweetie he's with y/n"
"Ok?? How abt Jayla?"
"She's also with y/n"
"Oh.- dad?"
"At the gym with a client"
"Oh k"
I headed upstairs took a shower and just tried doing my homework
Once I finished I looked through my window
U know the window that can see y/ns room
I checked and realized they weren't there
So I got up and went to check out our porch
When I got there I looked over to y/ns house and there they were playing volleyball in her pool

Idk why but ever since that stupid vacation it seems like everybody has forgotten all the bad stuff she caused to me and js love her and give her more attention
I haven't talked to wanna or Jayla by myself without y/n being involved or getting interrupted by her in weeks.
It's annoying

I got fed up
"Mom I'm going out"
"Be safe!"
I got my keys and a hoodie and left the house in my car
It's like nobody even cares anymore
Everything's abt y/n
For no reason
It's not like she's LONLEY
She had tons of friends and Is pretty popular why does she need so much attention

I headed on the road
Supresangly it was pretty empty
So I only did the right thing to do when the roads empty
Go faster.

me and Jayla were hanging out with y/n and playing around
We got out to her backyard after the pool and headed to the fire bon where we were making s'mores
"So y/n- spring sports are coming soon what u gonna do?" I asked
"Oh well I was thinking softball" she responded while taking a bite out of her s'more
"Really that cool"
"Yea it was either that or track and I'm not running no miles"
We all laughed and then finished up
"Ight y/n we have to go see u in the morning"
Jayla said grabbing her phone and wallet
"Ok guys byeeee" y/n said waving at us and blowing kisses to Jayla
"Weirdos" I laugh
When me and Jayla left her house and went to ours
It was quiet
We'll I mean it was 12 AM
"Dam it's quiet"
"Maybe j's awake?"
"Nah I doubt it"
"Ima go check" Jayla said
"Ok" I said shrugging my shoulders and heading to the kitchen for water
"Wanna! Hes not here!?"
Jayla said coming up to me
"Hes not in his room"
"Bro what?"
I take out my phone and call him
"He must be at a party" I say to Jayla
"I didn't hear of a party today??"
Jayla said looking at me scared
"He probably js went for a drive he's fine" I said trying to calm her

The next morning I get ready and go to y/ns house
"Hey dumbass ready to go?"
I said jumping on her bed
"Almost give me 5 minutes"
She said from her bathroom
"Y u here?" I asked
"Because I can be" Jayla said walking into her room
"Ok I'm ready we can go" y/n sayd coming out the bathrrom
"ILL DRIVE" I said snatching the keys out of. Jaylas hand and racing down the stairs
"NO WANNA!" Jayla said screaming my name as I get to the car
"Ugh ur annoying " Jayla said
" uh uh y/n sits in the front" I said covering the seat
"Fine" Jayla says

I start driving and we head out

I got up from my bed and was getting ready to go to school
I did my hair
And grabbed my baseball bag and my regualr bag
I left and went downstairs
"Hey mom where wanna he was gonna take me today so I don't have to drive?" I said looking at her as she turns around with my breakfast
"Oh sorry hunny I'm pretty sure he js left with y/n"
"Great" I sigh
"If u want i can take u"
"No it's ok mom" I say grabbing the smoothie she prepared me and left to my car

When I got to school I headed to the locker room to keep my stuff there
Once I put my stuff away I headed to the hallway and went to my locker
I was alr mad as it is I don't need anyone else to piss me off
"Hey there loser" Alex says approaching me
~js great
" what do u want" I tell him trying to open my locker
"Nun js wanted to remind u ur losing" he says smirking
"And ur a dickhead- DAMIT" I say struggling to open my locker.
"Bro how am I a dickhead"
"Cuz - u - are- GOD FUCKING DAMIT" I say punching my locker
"DUDE WTF!" Alex said stepping back
I looked behind me to everybody staring at me and Alex scared backing up
"Fuck this" I leave them and head into the locker room
I needed time for my slef before class started
I was walking down a hallway onmw to the locker room when I see y/n with sum guy
Bro huh?
If Alex is on the other side of the school who is with y/n
The guy turns around

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