we're stuck

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 we got home to the waltons house. i wanted to talk to jaden abt what happened, he seemed to ignore me in the car. as i meet infront of him i ask iff we could talk? "nah im good, go away" oh. what? i just stood there like a dumbass. i was so confused at what the hell happened, first he was begging sayin sorry to me and now he just hates me again? wth? i left. i went back home and went to my room. i continued to finish packing. 

once i finished i called josh. " hey josh." "hey y/n wsp?"  " nothing i was hoping you could come over?"  " yea sure ill be there soon." he hung up and i waited fot him to come. 

minutes pasted and he finally arrived. i let him in and he followed me to my room. "looks nice" he says looking around my room. " thx" "you look buetiful y/n" josh says smiling " what do u want josh. " i say joking around. we lay down and watched a movie. after some time we looked at eachother and started laughing. i always felt super close with josh. he was nice and really fun. i knew he liked me but i didnt want to say anything, after all it was so noticeable. we stopped laughing as we just looked at eachother. he did it, he kissed me. he stopped and pulled away once he noticed i didnt kiss back. "im sorry y/n i shouldnt have d-" i cut him off and kissed him back. but why did i its not like i liked him.

we stopped after 2 minutes. " u dont know how long i waited for that" he said smiling. i chuckled at his words. it was getting late meaning he had to leave. he gave me a peck before leaving. i didnt know how to feel abt the kiss it seemed wrong but felt right. im not sure. 

i just went to bed.  


it was 4 am. ugh i hate waking up early. my mom came in to make sure i was awake. i got up and did my normal rountine and changing my clothes to something wanna picked. i took my suitcase downstairs and put it with the rest as alex was helping my dad put them in the car. i grabbed my water bottle and airpods before getting in the car. we made our way to the airport. i saw wanna there and hugged him. he knew i was super tired. " what up sleepyhead"  " how do u have energy??" i asked rubbing my eye. " idk but come on me and jaden are gonna get sum from the store." i followed him to where jaden was. he looked at me and rolled his eyes. ok? i followed behind wanna and jaden. we arrived at the store and i got a (your choice or drink) and ( your choice of snack). i set them on the counter to notice jaden already paying for his and wanna stuff. guess ill just pay myself. i put my stuff down on the counter as jaden grabbed his things and left. wanna came behind me, " hey where jaden?" he asked " he left, where were you?" " i was in the bathroom....why are you paying for your stuff."  "bc i can afford my own things." that wasnt true. i was 2 dollars short. i kept looking through my pockets to make sure i  had anything else left. before i knew it wanna slipped his credit card into the machine. " i had it wanna."  " really did you?" he said looking at me smirking. 

we headed back to the gate. when we got there they gave us our tickets.  once i checked it i noticed me and wanna had diffrent seats but i was with jayla. after what felt like hours we started to board the plane. as i got to my seat i was in the middle while jayla was at the window. i waited for someone to sit down next to me hoping it wasnt a stranger. nope...it was jaden. he saw the seat and looked at me and just rolled his eyes. he sat down and sighed. dj, jess and daelo were infront of us. while alex wanna and chris were way behind us. once the plane took off. we all fell asleep. after what felt like 3 hours of sleeping, i woke up to see jayla still sleeping and me laying on jadens shoulder. he was also sleeping with his head on mines and one of his hands around my waist. i felt comforatable for a sort. then i fell back asleep. 

i woke up again. i noticed jaden was up but didnt seem bothered abt me on him? ok ig. i didnt want to move since him and jayle were talking. " you love her dont you?" jaylas said. "i do"  " then why dont you just ask her to be back with you?" jayla quistioned for hi answer. " i cant i just cant especially after she left, that still hurt jayla." "omg jaden get over it she was just going to her hom , if you were to move to a whole new diffrent city and you missed home you would go back" jayla stated. "mmm no"  " wtv jaden" after a couple minutes i pretended to wakw up again. "sorry for sleeping on you" i said looking at jaden. "wtv" he said rolling his eyes again. jayla and i just talked for the rest of the flight. 

once we landed there was a car already waiting for us. we all got in and arrived to the resort. as dj and jess were checking in i went with wanna to see the beach from the resort. it was so pretty. i couldnt belive it. then dj and jess gathered us around. he handed keys to my parents and a key to jayla. "whats this for?" she asked " well it for you guys, you all will be staying together in one house." dj said as we all got happy. meaning only the teenagers would stay in one whole house. 

this should be fun. 

we arrived to the resort and took a golf cart to the house. ofc i drove. we arrived at the house and took the luggage inside. we all instanly ran into the house picking our rooms. there was enough for all of us. alothough someone had to share a room. me and jaden decided it would be fine to share. 

once i was dont unpacking i headed to y/n's room. she got the biggest one. luvky. "what up bitch" i said jumping on her bed. " wanna off my bed right now." she says yelling at me. i lay on it. " wanna go for a swim?"  "cant i promised jayla id go shopping with her later." whatttttttt. ugh. "oh come on y/n you can go shopping later. pleaseeeee" then jayla came in the room. " hey y/n we still going shopping tmrw right?" LIAR! "mhm yea" she answered calmly smilingat me. "you liar....you dont want to hang with me do you. " i say pouting. " i do wanna but im tired." "YOU ALWASY ARE" i said laughing. 

i leave her room and start to head back to mines. once im at the door i hear jaden on the phone. "yea ik jake, im staying away from her,   ok calm down i wont jeez.  no i dont love her the fuck man wtv." he hangs up was he talking abt y/n. "who was that?" i say coming in. "jeez wanna can u knock at least" "were u talking abt y/n." "no mind your buisness" "y/n is my buisness, were you!"  "no bro now go away."  " man dont ruin this trip bro." i say leaving the room. 

ik he loves y/n  deep inside, he just wont admit it. 

what if he is just using her?

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