Season 1:Trampoline Gretel Pov

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Trampoline is sang by SHAED
Authors note: I name each chapter the title of a song, I listen to music based on my ocs while writing which has a habit of swaying the story and sometimes the lyrics will be used but, at the beginning of each chapter I'll tell who wrote the song so y'all know

The first time I saw the shadow was around midnight. I had been preparing for a patrol in Tokyo and saw it between the trees in my backyard. It looked around 5'8" or 5'9" and looked pretty slim. Clearly a teenager causing trouble. Or that's what I had thought I didn't give it the second thought before locking the doors and leaving for work.

That was a few weeks ago and I feel like I've seen it everywhere, between the trees while i walk in the frightened me.

Finally Ive had enough and that comes to today. I stand in my backyard looking out at the trees seeing the shadow again. Who are you and why do you follow me? That's what I wanted to ask but that's not what comes out. "Why?" I sound like a child being denied candy. The shadow dosent reply and I put my hand to my chest trying to calm the shivers that course through my body. I'm a hero I shouldn't be this afraid!

"Yin right? The other half to Yang?" a voice replies and I feel my heart speed up. It actually answered me!? How does it know my hero name and my brothers?! "That's not any of your business" I murmur trying not to let my panic show as the shadow moves. I watch it walk to the edge of the light I can't see who it is but I do see one thing. A scarred hand reaches out of the shadows an artists glove covering his ring and pinky finger.

It dosent reach for me but it holds out like he wants to shake my hand. I shouldn't shake it but he hasn't done anything wrong...other than stalk me for months. I shake his hand trying to see who he is. "Who are you?" I inquire. "None ya", god can this man get any more childish? "Why have you been watching me?" I watch him shrug as he pulls his hands back into the shadow. "Your interesting, it's not like I peek in your windows or anything just see you pass here and there.

I feel relief fill me, he could be lying but the chances of that seem pretty low. "Why do you want to know who I am?" He backs further into the shadows seeming to ponder my question "Curious, I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours it can be a trade" I consider it then I sigh, "call me G." An initial can't be as bad as my actual name, it's a common nickname for me anyways. "We'll 'G' my names S" That cheeky bastard

"You should come into the light it's hard to see you" I hear him laugh and I close my eyes. Is he insane? "That's the point 'G' I don't want you to see me" I feel my eye twitch and I resist the urge to loose my patience. "Stop stalking me ok? You wanna talk we can talk but your being creepy and it's annoying." "I think imma keep doing what I've been doing." I turn my back to him, "fine S just don't say I didn't warn you" and like that I leave him behind me heading inside to rest for the night.

Hey I know this chapter was short I'm getting used to writing and the first few chapters are the hardest. My writing schedules hopefully gonna be every other day but if I can update every day I will! Thank you guys gals and non-binary pals for your time!

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