Suprise chapter!!! "S" pov and gretels pov(later on)

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Authors note:I know I haven't updated for Hansel but since he's asleep during these events I can't really put much in for him

I've never seen power like her's. G, she wants me to call her something other than her hero name, though I'm sure she dosent wanna be called her hero name. Work had ran long and I wasn't at her house when I usually was. I can't believe she decided to talk to me last night, I made my presence obvious so I don't understand why it took so long.

As I walk downtown I hear a voice in the alleyway. Are you serious? Why the hell was shy down this way! I make my way into the alley to stop cold, what were they doing to G?!

Gretel pov:

I begin to loose all senses as I absorb the shadows around me but I stop allowing them to flood out when someone steps between me and the villains. "What the hell are y'all doing out here?!" S?! What's he doing here? That had to be his voice!

"Taking out the trash, do you seriously wanna let this hero go?" S walks toward dabi who growls. "You'll let her go, take shy and toga and get out of here get it?!" Dabi lets out a growl and walks off with the women from before. "Are you ok?" S turns to me and I see his eyes. They were a bright crimson and grayish bluish hair peeks from the hood. I don't see his face as it's behind a black mask and his heads mostly covered cause he wears a loose black hoodie.

I try to stand but there's an overwhelming pain in my back and I let out a yelp collapsing back down. "Easy you're injured! what did they do to you?" Why's he so worried about me? I rub my arm anxiously, "just threw me I pulled a muscle" I don't know if I pulled a muscle but it's a great cover. "Well here I'll help you get home" he holds out his hand and I shake my head. "Why would I just trust you like that?!" "I saved your god damn life G please, I know where you live anyways and I haven't done anything bad so far, why is it so hard to trust me?"

I take his hand letting out a huff, "fine just this once, thanks S" he pulls me to my feet and I let out a small shriek. This hurt so damn bad, tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I try to ignore the aching pain in my lower back. "Hold onto me ok?" I'm left in confusion until suddenly I'm lifted into his arms, I hold onto him in a slight panic as he begins to walk. "Ask next time you meanie!" I exclaim and he chuckles quietly.

"You gave me the initial for your last name right?" I ask to make small talk, He shakes his head, "call me Tenko, tenko shimura" wow his name was so pretty! "My names Gretel, Gretel Isley" the soft sway of his walking made me tired and I try not to lay my head on his shoulder in fear of falling asleep. "Whyd you really stalk me?" I inquire and tenko lets out a breath, "honestly I didn't mean to, not in the beginning at least. None of it was meant to be creepy or scary I just saw you one day and wanted to meet you."

I feel confusion fill me, "wait you were too afraid to approach me?" He nods and I choke out a small laugh which turns into a quiet snort, "I didn't wanna scare you off so I made it clear I was around and there if you needed someone. It backfired as you can tell." "So mr shimura, how do you know the people who attacked me?" We round the street a few houses from my and Hansel's place. "Co workers, the boss wouldn't like hearing you were attacked. He dosent want the others attacking people." I lean my head on his shoulder loosing out to the exaustion in my body.

"Will they try to find me?" I can't hide the fear in my voice as tenko nears my home. "No I don't think so, if I'm being honest. I'll make sure they don't, your under my protection" he nears my door and I use my key to unlock it. He Carrys me inside. "Which door is yours?" "The one with the hot pink hearts" I mutter embarrassed. He shuts and locks the house door behind him then Carry's me into my room. It had pastel pink walls with hot pink and white hearts All over. My bedding was a simple white and I had a nightstand beside it.

Tenko sets me into bed and helps me get my rollerblades off. "Why are you helping me if you don't know me?" He shrugs, "you went through something traumatizing tonight G, I wanna be sure your fine." He sets my rollerblades next to my nightstand and stands. "Where are your pj's I'll give you those then I can leave you for the night, you need to get some rest" i gesture to the closet and he turns his back to me picking out my pj's. "Damn your my first friend to pick my bunny socks" i mutter as he hands me my white fuzzy sweatpants and the matching long sleeve as well as my bunny paw socks.

"You have friends?" He looks at me and I roll my eyes sarcastically, "har har very funny" I say and he laughs walking toward my window he opens it climbing out then leans against the frame. " if you'd like I can come by tomarrow, after your interaction with my co workers today I'd like to make up for it with lunch" damn man's knew the way to my heart, "sounds good see you tomarrow mr shimura" he shuts my window and leaves.

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