Beserk 3rd person pov (and gretel later on)

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Tw warning:scary audio, graphic violence
Artists note:idk if the audio needed a warning but better to cover my bases right?

The villains begin to close in on gretel as she draws her scythe. She slams the blade into the ground drawing the darkness and shadows from everything around her. The villains go still watching her as she begins to change. She grew taller and thinner her ribs showing. Her outfit changed seeming like rags covering her body. her hair grew longer. The darkness hid her from those around her as a sharpened appendage snaps out impaling one of the villains near her, she lets out a shriek. Many of the low level villains begin fleeing fearful as the villain she impaled falls to the ground dead.

☝️her scream.      

"Gretel..." aizawa's voice was quiet as he tried to stand but it was too late, not even he could stop as it wasn't gretel or her quirk in control. She begins walking toward the nomu her eyes narrowed. The darkness falls away showing her new form. "I thought she was a hero, they don't kill" dabi whispers to shigaraki and kurogiri. Shigaraki was stunned to silence as he watches his new friend approach his experiment, "what do you want us to do tomura? She's willing to kill most hero's aren't, if she takes nomu down it sets us back so far what-" "Silence kurogiri"

All eyes turn back to gretel as she reaches a clawed hand for the nomu. "NOMU! DESTROY HER!" Kurogiri voice echos through the area as the nomu turns to the woman in front of it. "GRETEL RUN GET OUT OF HERE!" Aizawas voice was audible but he couldn't get into her mind. He couldn't do anything but watch as his former student destroys the nomu tearing through it with her claws. All he could do was concentrate his quirk on the nomu so it couldn't fight back.

Once the nomus completely destroyed, Gretel turns her attention on the remaining villains who gather around her. She massacres all of them leaving pools of blood all over. She begins nearing shigaraki dabi and kurogiri but the building comes out of lockdown. The windows become uncovered splashing her with sunlight. Her skin begins to smoke as her new form melts away, she's left on her knees in the pools of blood around her back to normal.

"We'll done yin, but now I AM HERE! leave it to me!" All Might walks in but the 3 villains are gone. "GRETEL!" Hansel sprints in toward his twin trying to ignore the blood.

Gretel pov.

I did it again...more lives lost. I'm hardly a hero, I'm a monster. I hear my brother sprinting toward me as I hug my body letting out a sob. I feel disgusting, i Intook too much at once. "Gretel Gretel easy it's okay" I look to see my brother beside me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders sobbing into his shoulder. I feel him lift me and look at all might. "Such a hero you are" he grumbles and I hear gasps as he walks out leaving the bloodbath behind.

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