Moving out gretel pov

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Authors note:though I'm sure I mentioned this already shaggy might seem ooc. We only really see him in cannon when he's plotting or fighting. I imagine he's this soft gamer boy which to me makes sense.

I fold my clothes into the box on my bed with tenkos help. "Who knew you had so many" he says smiling and I nod a bit. We've already filled two boxes with clothes and this last box will be just barely enough space. "I don't wear some of it but half of it's my summer clothes" I look outside at the thin layer of snow In my yard. "Early winter" mumbles tenko and I feel him nuzzle his face into my neck.

"It's amazing, I love wintertime* I close my eyes and feel him move away to set the packed box on top of the other one. "My clothes were the bulk of it" I mumble clearing my bed off and after pulling my body pillow off and stacking it into a garbage bag with my favriote fuzzy blanket I put the blankets in the now empty closet. And close the garbage bag of my bedding. To see tenko looking at some pictures on my nightstand. "These your parents?" He asks and I walk over to see what he's looking at.

The picture was indeed my parents, both frowning in front of a temple. "Yes it's their wedding" I mumble and he rubs his chin, "they look unhappy" he says and I nod, "quirk marriage they don't love each other their just really close friends, that's why they stopped after Hansel and I" I put the pictures in a shoebox setting them on the pile of boxes beside my door. "Hansel's got a betrothed himself, my mother chose him a nice girl but he doesn't like her. Makes sense that don't like her either. She's a hero fanatic like in a gross way"

"Isn't your brother gay?" I look at tenko feeling my eyes widen, "yeah he is, that's another reason he doesn't like the girl." I say and he nods, "understandable, did your parents try to put you into a quirk marriage?" I rub the back of my neck, "yeah but the dude got violent one day and put me in a bad situation. My parents weren't doing anything about it so Hansel stepped in. Guy was in the hospital for over a month I've never seen my brother loose it on anyone like that." I see tenkos face go pale, "may I say your brother is single-handedly the most terrifying man I've ever met?"

"Did he threaten you?" Tenko nods and I reach up hugging him. "He's just protective after that, the guy had a beast quirk so when he got violent it was pretty dangerous" I feel arms around my waist and I close my eyes. "We'll why don't we finish packing your things then we can get you home" when he says the word home it feels...right. I'm going home.

I pack the rest of my things and look around the now empty bedroom. This has been my space for the past 4 years but now empty it feels like nobody ever lived in here. "I called help to get everything in the van, and help get everything inside" I lift a box, "who'd you call?" "Midoria, he's on his way here right now. He's walking though so he'll be a lil while" I nod in thought, "he's a nice kid, I know you showed him the files but how exactly did you get him to the point he'd help you?" Tenko shrugs, "he runs errands here and there, but we were able to promise him and his mom protection, he wants to be a hero but...not like our hero's now. He wants to be a hero to all. To help everyone and honestly him being around has everyone in good spirits"

I hear a knock and Hansel walks in with midoria. "Guest for you gretel, I'm out of my way to work so guess this is goodbye" Hansel's voice is strained and he seems cut off, he shows hardly any emotion. "Oh, okay then. I love you Hansel I'll text you later tonight" Hansel walks back out not replying. "Hey gretel!" I look at the teenage boy in front of me who looks exited to see me. "Hello midoria! How have you been?" I walk toward the door carrying my box but feel tenko take it. "I got it hun, you've been working hard and packing let me do the heavy lifting" i watch shigaraki walk out with my box and midoria laughs.

"Shigaraki really likes you doesn't he?" I nod, "he and I both really like each other that's why we're together" I say as Midoria lifts a couple of my boxes walking out. I walk beside him. "Oh really? I'm so happy for you two! I had thought you guys were just really good friends but it's so nice you two are together" I nod thoughtfully, "I'm very lucky he's such a great man"

Midoria and I continue to chatter away as he and tenko load the van with my things. "I thought you'd keep better company young midoria" I hear a voice and I look back to see the big man himself. All might...?

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