Season finale Whats left gretel pov

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Authors note;gretels scars are basically like toderokis but on both sides.

One second my body's on fire the next I'm on a table in an unfamiliar place. My head feels cold-colder than normal, I look at my hands, these can't be my hands they look...wrong. "It hardly scarred that lying bitch. Thank god your okay!" I see tenko in front of me putting a glove back on, "looks like a burn around her eyes...kinda like one of enjis kids" I hear Hansel mumble and I turn to my brother. "Hansel" I whisper and he walks over hugging me close. "Your ok hun, I should have been faster I'm so sorry" he feels bad? This was my fault.

"When she hit the wall she burst her lungs he was aiming to kill, if not for you gretel your brother would be dead" I hear dabi say and I give him a small smile. "Wait a god damn second...Touya?" He nods, "hey gg" I hold out my arms for him to. He walks over hugging both me and Hansel. In the arms of my brother and one of my childhood friends I feel safe, I know some damage was done, god I'm missing hair aren't I. Hansel and touya pull away and I stand avoiding stepping into a dust pile. "I'm so sorry honey, I knew I'd get hurt just not the extent" I whisper grabbing my boyfriends cheeks.

When he looks at me I see tears. He's clearly trying to hide them from everyone else. "Why don't we go lie down?" I ask and he nods leading me off to our bedroom. Once the doors shut he breaks down in sobs holding onto me tightly. "You idiot! I knew you'd get hurt!" He holds me tightly to him and I close my eyes. "I'm so sorry baby I'm sorry" he falls to his knees and I move down with him holding him tightly. "I almost lost you, Gretel your all I have!" He holds me tightly and I feel myself wince. It's too tight but I know he's scared. "Honey baby please, don't hold me that tight It still hurts a bit" he loosens up and I grab his cheeks making him look at me. "Im right here, it'll be okay I'm safe see?" He nods and I lean down giving him a kiss.

After a bit I pull away standing and helping him stand, "I need to see the damage, how much of my hair is gone and the scars" "but you need to change! Your clothes are destroyed" tenko says quickly as if trying to distract me. "I need a bath atleast baby, or my clothes will smell like smoke and I hate that scent" he lets out a small sigh lifting a towel and showing me to the bathroom. When I step in and see my face I wanna vomit, my face is all scarred up but the worse part Is my hair, it's singed and gone in some places, I look like I lit my hair on fire.

"Gretel-" "I'm hideous" I mumble putting my hand to my head. "I spent years growing it out this long." I honestly wanted to cry but I couldn't. Too dehydrated and tired. "No your not honey please your beautiful!" I turn to tenko who puts his hands on my cheeks like I did for him before. "Wanna just soak a while?" I nod and he kisses my forhead then runs a bath opening a small box of bath bombs dropping like three fancy ones in. After putting a towel on the counter he walks to the door. "Those bathbombs have jewelery inside I got them for you so please enjoy and try to relax, after your bath we can figure out your hair, it'll take a while to grow out but if we shave it it'll come back even"

He walks out leaving me to bathe. I undress sliding into the tub of water watching the bathbombs fizzle and drawing my legs to my chest, he might not agree but I know the truth. The soot and ash in my hair and on my body turn the water a dark grey. Will he really still wanna keep me around this way? I ponder my situation as I pull the small bags of jewelery out of the water and let it drain standing. "You done baby?" I hear shigaraki outside of the bathroom. "One second honey" I wrap the big fluffy bath towel around myself tightly and I open the door. Shigaraki sits outside on his bed and I'm relived our bathrooms a private one.

"Dino onesie?" He asks and I shake my head, "I'm not really feeling pretty enough for that, mabye just a pair of shorts and-" in seconds I'm lifted and sat on the bed. "Your beautiful, please! The burns weren't too bad the scars make you even more amazing." I shake my head, "and my hair? I'll have to shave it tenko!" He reaches his hand onto my head rubbing his fingers thrugh what's left. "We can shave half off and  you'd be able to keep a half shaved hairstyle, only half got really burnt. It's gonna be okay" he holds me to his chest and I close my eyes, "your right"

He gets me a small bag from beside his computer stand, "I got you this this morning before I went to your old place, it's for you" I open the bag to find the fluffiest bunny onsie I've ever seen. I hold it to my chest feeling tears prick my eyes. "Thankyou tenko" "of course, I'll go get dinner so you can change" he hurries out and i change into the onsie looking down at myself.

 "Thankyou tenko" "of course, I'll go get dinner so you can change" he hurries out and i change into the onsie looking down at myself

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^the onsie

It was so soft and fluffy. I finally open the bags from my bath to find a necklace and 2 rings. I pull all of them on cherishing each one.

 I pull all of them on cherishing each one

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After a little while I see the door open and Tenko walks in holding a plate of fried chicken with some blue cheese and cheddar cheese sauce

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After a little while I see the door open and Tenko walks in holding a plate of fried chicken with some blue cheese and cheddar cheese sauce. "It suits you honey" he sets the plate on the night stand and puts his arms around my waist. "Thanks tenko, it's so nice, I've never had anything so nice before." I hear him chuckle, "get used to it princess, I'm going to treat you like a queen cause that's what you are" he pulls me by my hand toward the bed.

"Lets eat ok?" I nod sitting with him and after eating I lie down with tenko and soon pass out

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