Mess hansel pov

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They took her license. There's nothing really keeping me connected to hero work now. I clean the table of the dishes From my early lunch. She doesn't seem too torn over the loss of her hero license just about the deaths. I hear my phone ding and I look at the contact to see my mothers texting me.

Hansel what do I hear about your sister loosing her license?

Yeah she lost her license. There was a dangerous situation and she had to go into overdrive to protect herself and sensei, I'm sorry mom but she  had a job to do

All I wanted was hero children is that too much to ask? Your sister's a discrace and your weak without her were cutting you off

I let out a sigh rolling my eyes, my sister and I have been self sustaining for a long time just putting the Money they sent us away for a just in case fund. Both of my parents worked great jobs so we had quite a bit saved up

Well I apologize mother, would you have rather she died today? Or it had been me left Behind?

Birthgiver-I would rather it had been you, your weak compared to her if you'd stayed instead of her she wouldn't have had to go beserk and you would have been gone

Her words hurt, I clench my jaw, then jump when I realize she's calling me. I awnser putting my phone to my ear. "Hello-" "don't hello me Hansel! You're hardly worth my time! I'm letting you know, I'm cutting you off you no longer will have access to mine and your fathers funds! Say that to your villian of a sister as well.

That stupid cunt! "Look here you dumb bitch! Gretels worked her ass off to become exactly who you wanted her to be! Just cause she fucked up dosent make her a villian!" "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT!" I hear my dad shout in the background and I growl. "OH I DARE! I DONT HAVE GRETEL KEEPING ME IN HERO WORK! COME HERE RIGHT NOW BOTH OF YOU AND ILL BEAT YOUR ASSES! KEEP OUT OF OUR LIVES" i hang up on my mother blocking her and toss my phone onto the coutch

God what have I done? Gretels gonna be pissed when she gets home. I head into my room blasting my music and I curl up on my bed, what's the point?

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