Lovely, Gretel pov

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Lovely was sang by Billie Eilish and Khalid

I've never seen Hansel so angry before, he's usually so soft spoken-atleast to me. I put his dinner in the fridge and pack mine away to eat when I get home. It'll only be a 5 hour patrol and honestly I don't feel like eating.

After I adjust my costume I pull my hair into a tight bun. There's rumor of league activity where I'll be patrolling which kinda scares me. I was raised in the charts by the amount of villains I took in not by how famous they were. I don't think I'm strong enough alone to handle any high rank villains yet I cant show my incapability.

I head outside taking a deep breath enjoying the crisp autumn air. It makes me feel strong, nights like tonight I feel my strongest. I look around, there's no sign of S which is weird cause he's usually around this time of night, I shrug off the thought pulling my rollerblades on. People question why I move around and fight in them but speed can be power, and power can be used against someone.

I begin moving forward using my skates to propel me. The place I'm patrolling isn't too far from home thank the stars. Not long after I get going I'm where I'm supposed to be, downtown.

I hear voices in one of the alleys and I concentrate my energy drawing my scythe feeling the trusty weapons weight in my hands I feel like I can take anything. Unlike the other hero's im not flashy or showy I like working quick and inconspicuous.

(Authors note:I had a huge plan for this and needed her to come in contact with the league all I could think of was a mugging though im sure they wouldn't really stoop so low-also I have no idea when dabi and toga joined the league so I'm having it so their in the league already. Also COVID's a thing )

"I said hands up, give us your damn wallet" the voice was gruff but cocky at the same time. "I don't have one please I have to get home-" a frightened woman, surely a lie but moneys money she must not be that scared. "But that necklace is pretty" a girls voice. I see a blue light and suddenly I see who's there. A man with a hood over his head and a black mask on has a woman by the shirt his hand engulfed in blue flames.

Beside him is a girl much smaller with messy brown hair and a matching outfit except her hoods down. The woman had blonde spacebuns and a black mask on but with an epidemic going it's impossible not to find someone in a mask. My mind flashes to the white one on my own face. "Sir, ma'am I'll need to ask you to let the lady go" my voice was brave, the opposite of what I was feeling right now.

"Oh wow, a pro hero? Dabi we did well" I hear the blonde giggle and I clench my jaw. This was a setup then. Two on one was gonna be hard but 3 on one?! I raise my scythe, if I go down I'll go down fighting. "How many have you pulled into this trap?" I ask and the male 'dabi' turns to me dropping the blonde. "Lost count, but you'll be another to the list" the brown haired girl begins to emit a smoke from her mouth and nose filling the alleyway.

It was a thick red and I'm hardly able to see in front of me. This is just dirty even the worse villian has standards. I begin to skate around, a moving targets harder to hit. As I move I swipe my scythe toward where they were. "I thought hero's didn't kill?" That damn dabi...I snarl quietly to myself then speak trying not to seem too rude, "oh this won't kill just weaken. But if it helps fit your agenda you can claim I'm trying to kill you" there we go bluff, talk shit!

Suddenly I feel a hand on my neck and I'm thrown back. I land pretty hard and something pops in my back.I feel my scythe torn from my hands. "Wow pretty girl, howd you become a hero your so damn weak" dabi kneels in front of me looking me straight in the eyes. His ice cold blue eyes making me afraid. Who was this man, why's he so damn strong?! "Just a low rank hero, you really aren't gonna get anywhere" he grabs my chin roughly and I cringe knowing it'll leave bruises later.

"It's a mercy taking you from this world" I close my eyes feeling tears begin to pour down my cheeks. He's right, but if I'm doomed anyways the best I can do is make sure he cant hurt anyone else. I put my hands to the ground activating my last chance, and like that everything goes dark.

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