Moonsickness Gretel pov

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Moonsickness is by panelope Scott
I use lyrics from this song and around the lyrics I'll put this emoji so you know I didn't write it and it's lyrics 🫥🫥

Authors note:since my updates are so often and my chapters are so when I'm updating Ill update for both Hansel and gretel at the same time just in 2 different chapters. Feel free to voice any questions or if my plot has holes please point them out so I can fill them in. Constrictive criticism is welcome. :D if you feel like one of my ocs are missing something please tell me as well or if something makes one more like-able than the other.

With that done on to the story

I don't know what caused it but when Hansel got home he was pissed. It was scary especially considering he was the light side of our duo. Finally after hearing him slam his door and his music begin to blast I realize something pretty bad must have happened. 🫥"I've got one-hundred hours to rearrange the stars And I'm the worst mistake your God has ever made You seem to integrate so fucking well But I make lemons out of lemonade"🫥

I could hear him singing to his music. His voice was thick with tears, I begin making dinner so he can eat before my shift. I knew he was unhappy with our choices, being a hero isn't for everyone and our parents forced him into it for my sake. As I pull the cutting board from the cabinet a thought pops in my head. What happens when he decides to quit? You can't have yin without the yang...can't have good without bad or right without wrong.

I begin cutting vegetables staving off my panic, I'm so selfish I shouldn't have allowed my parents to force him into heroism. After cutting the vegetables I begin frying them up and making some ramen. Dinners gonna definitely be a small peace offering maybe it'll calm him down enough he'll tell me what's wrong. I pull ramen bowls out of the cupboard (who knew that was spelled that way I thought it was coubard or coubard but it felt wrong) and fill them with ramen and vegetables.

I walk toward Hansel's bedroom holding the ramen in one hand and his chopsticks in the other. I knock on his door and he opens his door looking at me with a dead stare. No emotion just a stare and it hurts cause I know I deserve it. "Hey brought your dinner wanna talk?" He clenches his jaw a moment then nods opening his door further.

His bedroom had olive green walls with the occasional piece of weird core themed set up. Against the wall was his bed covered in comforters and beside it a tidy night stand with only his phone and medicines. He takes the ramen setting it on a nightstand and sits gesturing for me to sit. I sit down and the words escape my mouth before I can stop them.

"If you don't wanna be a hero you don't have to"

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