Are you Satisfied? Hansel pov

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Are you satisfied is by marina and the diamonds

They turned me into a tool for peace, I'm no better than all might but no worse. I look out at the city around me hearing the honks of impatient drivers and the wails of occasional sirens. I'm supposed to be on patrol but this isn't me. This isn't what my life's meant to be and I can feel it. I became this because my sister needs me but does she really?

I stand feeling the wind billow thrugh my hair rustling it slightly. "Fancy finding a hero on the roof, do you need saving?" That damn chicken nugget looking mother fucker. I turn facing one of the few hero's I hate with a passion. "Do you ever shut up hawks?" I hear him click his tounge disprovingly. "That's not very heroic Yang" I pull my backpack on shaking my head, "and your actions aren't very mature looks like we're both in the wrong aren't we."

"Atleast I don't let villains past. When was your last arrest?" Hold your tounge hold your tounge I repeat in my head as a mantra. "You of all people should know about dry spells I'll catch one sooner of later" he understands the double meaning and I hear a growl come from the back of his throat. "Are you two satisfied? going at each other's throats honestly your both idiots equally" I look to see Eraserhead. Shit his eyebags have gotten worse since schools started.

I roll my eyes feigning dramatic hurt. I fake a ghasp, "oh no! The eraserhead being so mean? I'm so sorry I'll be even better" I walk toward the edge of the building pulling a glider onto my back in replace of my backpack. Holding the now empty backpack to my chest I look at them. "Fuck you both how bout that? I might be an idiot but compared to fried chimkin there I don't need to deal with a bunch of fan girls-and boys who wanna have my baby's."

Hawks chokes on his own saliva and eraserhead rubs the bridge of his nose, "that's hardly the way a hero should-" "don't wanna be a hero, I only do hero work cause my sister wants me to. I apologize unlike some of you guys I don't wanna be weaponized" I spread the wings of my glider and jump taking to the air and make my way toward home.

Again so sorry this chapters short as well, I wanna be sure ocs are 100% introduced before I begin the true storyline

Also I'm not a hawks hater. Love the man but I feel like he's a cocky bastard at the same time, mabye it's stupid but it's the way I view him. He'll have a part where he realizes he's being a douche and will fix things but for now he's a butthead

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