Before you go gretel pov and 3rd person partway

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Authors note:this chapter includes violence and descriptions of pain. It also includes disturbing art and noises

When I wake I'm in an unfamiliar room laying in bed beside tenko. I take this as my chance to look around since he's asleep. The room was spotless and uncluttered. The walls a pastel blue and the carpet a simple grey. There's a computer desk with a nice looking pc and a closet as well as a nightstand and a dresser. The bed I was in was twin sized. So that's why Tenko said he needed to buy a new bed.

"Honey?" I hear a sleepy voice and I look down at my half awake boyfriend. He's the cutest when he's half awake. "Hey sweetheart" i whisper leaning down and kissing him. I feel his hand rub my lower back comfortingly while the other moves to my cheek pulling me further down, he pulls his lips away pulling me so I lay on his chest. "Welcome home" he whispers. "Thankyou tenko, I can't even explain how greatful I am"

"You deserve it princess" he pats my back and I listen to his heart. The peace is shattered when midoria bursts thrugh the door. "GRETEL ITS HANSEL!" he switches the tv on the wall to the news and I see it. My brothers in a very concentrated looking fight with endevor. "Two pro hero's fighting" I hear tenko say as I jump out of bed. I pull my skates and costume out of the box. "What are you doing you can't use your quirk in a fight!" Exclaims midoria and I nod, "but Hansel can. He can use his and mine."

I pull on the suit and my skates. "Get kurogiri!" Exclaims tenko helping me fasten my skates. "Promise you'll be safe" says tenko and I look up at him. There's a chance I won't come back, I know it but I don't think he does. "I'll do my best" that's all I can do isn't it? "Baby promise me" I reach up planting a kiss on his cheek. "I can't promise that, if something happens...well I love you" kurogiri steps in. "Ready to go miss gretel?" I nod and after hugging shigaraki I feel my sorroundings shift.

I see Hansel fighting endevor in front of me. "HANSEL! WE NEED TO FUSE!" I sprint toward my brother who dodges an attack from endevor. My fingertips just barely graze his hand before I'm blown away. My whole body burns, it's like I've been submerged In lava.

3rd person :D

Hansel looks at his sister as she slams into a wall propelled by the man in front of him, his quirk covers her whole body. "GRETEL!" He sprints toward his sister slamming the hero out of his way. He lifts his sister feeling his heart pulse with hers. All it takes is this one moment, one second of unity. Light and dark join forces for just a moment and suddenly the twins dissipear in a spiral of black and white smoke. The fiery hero on the outside tries to get into the column but he's unable to.

The smoke begins to clear leaving two beings in the center both staring forward. Behind the beings Hansel stands holding his sister tightly. Gretels burns look severe but she's alive and that's a plus side. The beings let out roars attacking endevor.

 The beings let out roars attacking endevor

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☝️the beings 👇the noise

Endeavors overtaken by the beasts as 3 figures step out of the shadows. Kurogiri, a stressed looking shigaraki, and dabi. Dabi wears a hood and mask so he's not recognized but shigaraki dosent care who recognizes him. Hansel sprints toward the group and they dissipear from sight leaving the monsters to destroy the abusive hero.

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