Disbelif gretel pov

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Authors note:Following another headcannon of mine. I personally believe midoria was born with his fathers quirk but it didn't show itself until he was strong enough to take allmights quirk which awakened it.

"A-allmight?" Midorias voice chirps and I close my eyes. "I don't know who the man is but that's gretel. She's not a good roll model in your life, you wanna become a hero don't you?" Your kidding right?! "Not fair to dangle that over the kids head" I say closing the trunk as tenko gets in the van to wait. "Someone should have dangled it over your head, mabye you wouldn't be a murderer" damn it's amazing how fast hero's can get here. I look between allmight and tensei iida. "I've shown nothing but respect to you both I messed up I know but don't drag the kid into it" I say and allmight shakes his head. "Come on midoria I'll walk you home." He days but midoria dosent move.

"I said come on deku!" When all might days that something seems to break in midoria. Even I know nobody should say that. "NO!" Midoria looks angry and I watch allmight reach for him, in seconds I'm in front of midoria scythe out. "Don't break any more laws now" chides tensei and I shake my head. "Keep your hands off him" god damn maternal instincts gonna get me killed. I hear a ghasp and watch a green haired lady run toward us, she's slightly plump but with the most motherly face ive ever seen. "What do you two need?" She asks the hero's in front of us stepping between me and allmight.

"She's hardly company the boy should be around!" Exclaims allmight and she shakes her head, "i apologize for the inconvenience but I see no harm in him being around her. She's a really good friend of mine right izu?" She's lying? To defend me and midoria? "Yeah I wanted to hang with aunt gretel and help her move" midoria chirps showing his smile and allmight crosses his arms. "No mentee of mine is gonna hang with a villian." "She isn't a villian but since your pulling that it looks like your no longer my sons mentor, have a nice day allmight" the woman turns to me, "go ahead sweety get in the van, izu and will be right there"

I climb into the back seat of the van beside tenko. "Glad you got in here earlier on or we'd be in worse a situation" I mumble leaning against him. I see midoria get in the passenger seat and hear the woman yelling at the two hero's. "Midoria your moms terrifying" I whisper and he turns to me giving me a smile. "Isn't she? She's amazing!" I feel tenkos arm wrap around my waist comfortingly then watch the woman get in the drivers seat. "Hello dearies my names inko" she turns to look at me and tenko. "I appreciate you stepping in to defend my son till I got there. Also, thankyou for protecting him during the UA incident. Even if he was safe your such an amazing girl" she pats my knee comfortingly.

I wish my mom was this sweet. "How am I gonna learn my quirk mom?" I hear midoria ask and shigaraki speaks. "Gretel can train you if you wish, she's learning restraint with her quirk too" I feel eyes on me and I hide my face behind my hands feeling akward. "Your ok with that miss gretel?" Asks inko and I nod, "I can teach him if you wish, I'm hardly a master of my quirk but I know enough I can show him how to control his." "Thankyou!" Midorias face lights up and I close my eyes. "Take a nap on the way there dearie the boys will carry things inside a lady like you needs rest"

Thankfully I'm able to fall asleep as the car begins to move

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