Worlds smallest violin Hansel pov

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Worlds smallest  joking is by AJR

"If you don't wanna be a hero you don't have to"

Is she joking? This can't be real. I stand not giving her the chance to stay shit. "Are you serious? Why didn't you say that when ma and dad were forcing me into training?! I DIDNT WANNA BE A HERO IN THE FIRST PLACE! THIS WAS ALL FOR YOU!" I gesture to myself watching my sister glare at me.

"I didn't notice you didn't wanna be one! And don't raise your god damn voice at me Hansel!" I rub my temples turning my back to her. Mabye if I count to ten she'll stop being so stupid. "There's no stopping it now gretel I wasted my childhood for this, for you. You just HAD to drag me into your damn hero work." Gretel looks hurt and I regret the words "this isn't right, we shouldn't fight over this thankyou for giving me the decision even if it's too late to have any real effect."

Gretel rubs her arm and I hand her the ramen. "I'm not hungry thanks anyways, I'm actually tired so could you please leave me to sleep?" She nods hurrying out to leave me alone. I slam and lock the door behind her then throw myself back on my bed to listen to my music. It was loud enough it quieted my mind. It wasn't fully her fault I had to become what i was.

When I think back to my parents but I don't see the generic mom and dad. All I see are shadows cause that's all they were growing up. We got letters once a week on what they wanted us to do it and we listened. Raised by a nanny for 12 years. I don't even remember my mothers face. I sit up turning my music up feeling my stomach growl with hunger. I'm hungry but I feel if I eat I'll vomit, I try to go to sleep praying I'll have an appetite in the morning.

I wake to my alarm the next morning. I have work in an hour but I really don't feel like working. I pull on my costume putting my hair back in a ponytail. Mabye this'll be an eventful shift.

^;his costume but it's not as form fitting, gretel wears one as well but it's white and still form fitting)

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^;his costume but it's not as form fitting, gretel wears one as well but it's white and still form fitting)

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