Good Enough gretel pov

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Authors note:So I listened to wildest dreams by Taylor swift while writing this :D I know it wasn't really a "slow burn" but there's more of a past with these two and haven't you heard of love at first sight? I can guarantee they'll be angst between them but I ain't telling what'll happen 🤫

"Why do you trust me so much?" Tenko says as we walk back to my place. I rub my chin in thought, "you had a chance to kill me when you saved me, besides if you wanted me dead or hurt you could have poisoned lunch" I bump into him softly and playfully, he chuckles, "well I could still, like this" he playfully grabs my hand pulling me into an alley. I let out a small giggle as he softly pushes me against the wall. I suddenly stop laughing feeling my cheeks heat up. Our faces were so close, if it weren't for the barriers of our masks we could kiss.

He reaches his hand toward my cheek very gently caressing it with his thumb. He was still sewing those art gloves, surely something with his quirk, "gretel may I?" Oh my god asking concent? This man's Amazing. "Close your eyes" he must not want me to see his face, respectable! I close my eyes feeling my mask pulled down then his lips on mine. When he kissed me it felt like fireworks went off. Never have I ever kissed a man. I feel his hands on my waist and I wrap mine around his shoulders pulling him closer to me.

I feel him press me against the wall and he pulls his lips from mine. His hands leave my waist for a moment as he pulls his mask back up and when their back on my waist I take that as the ok to open my eyes. "Tenko" he stares into my eyes as I pull my mask back over my face. "My god gretel" he huffs and I feel my face heat up resting my arms back around his shoulders.

"What does this make us?" He asks and I let out a chuckle, I like the sound of us. "We'll that all depends on you T what do you want it to make us?" It's his turn to turn red. God his ears match his eyes. I feel him hold me tighter then realize he's hugging me I hug him back. "Each other's?" He asks slightly muffled as he puts his face into my shoulder and I laugh again, "I feel like a teenager again, yes we can be each other's" god this man's a big softie.

"We gotta exchange numbers" his voice was soft. I pull away from him pulling my phone from my pocket and handing it to him. "Put yours in" he types his number in handing my phone back to me, I shoot him a text letting him know it's my number and stick my phone back in my pocket. "Why don't we bring this back to my place? Don't want no random asshole to pop up right? Don't think I want anymore smoothie in my hair" I mumble and his eyes widen. "They got it in your hair! Oh we should get you back and cleaned up" I feel him grab my hand walking outta the alley.

I have to walk a lil faster to keep up with his brisk pace. How'd I manage to score such a lovable dork?

Not even a half hour later we were at my place. I unlock the door walking inside and pulling my boots off leaving them by the door. I wait for him to do the same then we head to my room. I head into the bathroom to change and get my hair washed and walk out around a half hour later all changed.

👇her Jammie's ^w^

I set up my tv and Xbox on a stand I put at the end of the bed and turn on Netflix then climb into bed with tenko, he opens his arms his eyes lighting up: "lil Dino" his voice was full of wonder and I giggle snuggling into his arms while I turn on...

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I set up my tv and Xbox on a stand I put at the end of the bed and turn on Netflix then climb into bed with tenko, he opens his arms his eyes lighting up: "lil Dino" his voice was full of wonder and I giggle snuggling into his arms while I turn on Shrek the musical. I nuzzle my face into his shoulder. "Wanna stay the night? We can have a fun sleepover" i chirp and he rubs his chin, "gotta let my roommate know I won't be going home, you live with your brother right he won't mind?" He pulls his phone out texting someone.

"Nah he's chill, plus he has patrol during the days" tenko lets out a small laugh holding me close, "okay then you gotta let me go get clothes tho ok?" I nod feeling him plant a kiss on my forehead even through his mask. He leaves going thrugh my window again weird enough. Looks like it's gonna be a sleepover

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