Unstoppable Hansel pov

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Unstoppable is sang by sia

How are they training those damn students? That's the only thing I can think as I head out my door. Oh wait! "GRETEL!" I shout. They're visiting usj today so they want me present to give pointers-though I'm the worst person to do so. Gretel sprints out of her bedroom slightly hunched over but other than that she seems fine. "I'm ready let's get out of here!" She looked exausted but she had asked a few days before to join me.

"You look sore what happened to your back?" I ask and she shakes her head, "slept wrong let's get out of here" I shrug opening the door for her to lead the way out. "We're taking the truck" i mutter as she makes her way out, "okay then" I watch her climb into the passenger seat as I get into the drivers side.

"Why would they ask us along? We're hardly good enough to be giving kids pointers" I hear gretel mumble and I nod, "that's the thing, I don't understand why they'd think we're even a choice" i say pulling outta the driveway. We settle into silence as I drive toward UA. "So what happened on your patrol last night?" I ask and she shrugs, "not much didn't see anyone while patrolling" her ears twitch like they do when she's lying but I ignore it. If she isn't telling me what happened she must have a reason.

We make it to the school just as the class is boarding the bus. My sisters skating toward the bus before I even have my backpack on. Makes sense why she moves so fast, due to her quirk she's more popular with the teen audiences, she dosent act mean or perverted like some hero's, instead she acts more tame which makes me happy. As she nears the class I see a green haired student get all exited pulling a book out. "Miss yin! Oh wow!" The class seems to get exited as she stops in front of aizawa.

"It's been a while since I've seen you sensei, Yang and I thank you for the opportunity" tch she's such a suck up. "Of course, it's nice to see you and your brother again" I watch yin pull her skates off replacing them with flats since we're riding in with the students.

Authors note:I know I got this one in way late, I had to get the plot for the next few chapters straight so I could set it up. Thanks for all your patience :3

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