Night owls gretel pov

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Authors note:this isn't really a filler chapter but it opens up quite a bit of angst that's gonna happen later. It also sets up the true beginning to the story. Now that gretels joined her dear boyfriend the true story can begin!,..........also shigaraki reminds me of that smiling cat like look:

also shigaraki reminds me of that smiling cat like look:

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Anyways on to the story :D

When I wake I realize I slept till like 10 at night and I sit up. "Morning" i hear tenko say and I look over to see him half awake. "Did you nap too?" He nods and I snuggle back into his arms, "good I was worried, I stay up at night cause of my quirk and I didn't want you to feel like you had to stay up without no rest" I feel a soft kiss on my cheek and I look over to see it was tenko. I feel my cheeks heat up and he gives me just the cutest grin. Reminds me of that cat meme-makes my heart go doki doki.

I grab his cheeks very gently and grin back. Such a cutie I swear to god."so handsome" I mumble and his cheeks turn pink. He pulls me close hiding his face in my shoulder. God he's gotten so soft it's amazing.

After a little while of cuddle time I order a pizza and climb outta bed. "Wanna go to the park?" I ask and he smiles, "you take late night trips too?" I nod, "that's all imma be doing at night now, not like I can go to work anymore" and I feel a emptiness at my words. It finally sinks in, it's over. I don't wanna be a hero but I can't be a hero anymore. I went to school for something that I can't do anymore. "Gretel?" "Seven years tenko...that's how long I've been in my profession...thrugh training and actual work...what...what am I gonna do now?"

I look at tenko who frowns. He looks sad...I don't like seeing him sad. "Well what else did you wanna be?" I rub my arm trying to think back but I can't remember anything else I wanted to be. "I didn't really have much else, growing up it was cemented in me I'm meant to be a hero" i slump suddenly feeling very cold along with the urge to cry. I pull my fuzzy blankets over my shoulder and lean against tenko. He puts his arms around me.

"Well you can be whatever you want, have any hobbies? Cooking sewing crocheting?" I shake my head, "I can cook I guess but I never had much time growing up all I did was train" I close my eyes trying to hold in the tears that threatened to escape. "Look, I'll stay around a few days ok? We can spend some time and help you find your niche" I feel him smooth my hair as he speaks and I let out a shaky breath. "That mean you'll stay more nights?" I look up at tenko and he laughs. "Yes, 4 more days is all your gonna get though cause I got work."

I hug him tightly feeling better already. "Thanks tenko" I whisper and he nods, "of course baby, no matter what I've got you. Oh! What about YouTube?" I feel my eyes widen and I look away, "I may have a small studio across the hall I've used for my channel. It's a passive form of income I set up but...they've been badgering for a face reveal and if I do a face reveal they'll hate me cause of what happened earlier today." He frowns, "but hey you got your point across, hero's aren't as good as everyone thinks" my voice breaks as I speak and I almost cuss.

"But instead of disliking other hero's it's just you, gretel I want you to join me...join us" I feel my eyes widen, join the league? That's alot to ask, "what use would I even have for you?" He smiles, "you make me strong, just be there beside me." I give him a soft suspicious look. "Like a cat in those old hero movies the villian keeps close?" He laughs nodding. "God that became meme culture so long ago, but yes beside me. You won't ever have to use your quirk against anyone again, you'll be able to have whatever you want.

"All I want is you, and I have that. I'd follow you to the ends of the earth" when I say that I mean it. "Then id like you to see this" he pulls a file out of his bag. It has popular hero's names on it. He opens it and I find myself shocked. It's full of crimes the top hero's have committed and how the crimes were covered up. I look at endevor to find he's caused the death of hundreds of civilians in his battles. "Those privileged bastards" I whisper feeling tears at the corners of my eyes.

I was lied to, they could have covered it up. They could have kept me from being shunned after what happened. I wrap my arms around myself trying not to cry. "Sorry if it's upsetting you" he goes to close it and I stop him reading allmights. "Midoria...I recognize that last name..." tenko nods, "that's izukus dad" I turn to tenko to look him straight into the eyes. "Did he see this? Does he know?" "Yeah, he's the reason we got to usj today." I rub my temples  "Let me get this straight, all might directly caused izukus dads death and knows who izuku is but didn't tell him? I'm assuming society dosent know?" Tenko shakes his head

There's a knock on the front door and I hear Hansel get up from his room to go get it. Tenko puts the file away as I see Hansel walk into my room holding the pizza box. He sets it on my bed and goes to walk out then turns to tenko. "Knew you were familiar man, it's weird to see you without the hands." He smiles at tenko seeming not to care who he is. "Anyways gretel, ma called earlier I think it's a good idea you call her" he walks out and I lift my phone opening the pizza box and turning it so both shigaraki and I could reach it. He takes a peace as I dial my mother calling her,

"You wanted to talk to me?" I ask and I hear a small growl on the other side, "wanna tell me what the fuck happened today?" I put her on speaker setting my phone on my lap and grab a piece of pizza. "I lost control ma, you saw" "your worthless, I can't believe you'd drag your reputation thrugh the mud like that!" I close my eyes, "I'm sorry mother" I hear the phone handed to my dad and i take a bite of my pizza slice. "I'm very disappointed in you, I knew you wouldn't be able to be a hero but I didn't know you'd fuck up so bad" his voice is a growl

"Didn't wanna be one in the first place you just wanted me to be one" I try to keep the tears outta my voice. "Your getting cut off, we're not sending any more money to a villian." I shake my head, "mistakes don't make people villains dad, when it comes down to it Hansel and I have sustained ourselves since were sixteen." I hear another growl and I just hang up setting my phone on my nightstand. No point now, Things are better I refuse to let people try to make them worse. "You ok?" asks tenko and I lean against him, "yeah now that I have you, I could go thrugh anything"

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