Season 2 gretel pov

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I make my way out of my bedroom toward the front door with tenko behind me. "Your sure you wanna take a walk your back looks sore" I hear him murmur and feel his arms snake around my waist. "My back is sore but it feels claustrophobic here. I hate this house so bad sometimes" i mumble. "You could always come live at the base" he chirps kissing my cheek. It's been around a month since he and I got together and other than him working we hardly spend time apart which is amazing.

"I don't know hun, I've never had issues with you but I killed a lot of people all those days ago; I single-handedly ruined one of your plans which took months to set up" tenko laughs shaking his head, "baby they don't care, we have other plans it wasn't our only plan" I feel him kiss my cheek again and bury his face in my shoulder. "But I'm sure they care about the people I killed" tenko shakes his head, "nobody was attached to them, they were pawns to be honest all the important people were by me and giri"

I feel my eyes widen and I look up at tenko, "really?" He nods, "they knew they were gonna die before they agreed." I close my eyes, "your sure?" I feel him nod again and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "We can see eachother more often and spend time, it'll be like a sleepover every night" I weigh it over, I can start saving up or give my money to him as it comes along. I don't wanna impose but he clearly really wants me to move In with him. "Your sure? I'll have to put my stuff in storage and break it to my brother-not that He's gonna care."

"There's plenty of room for your stuff my bedrooms around twice the size of yours." He says and I nod finally. "If you and your...roommates are a hundred percent ok with it" he smiles, "already ran it by them." I close the door leaning back against him. "We can begin moving your things in this time next week sound good?" I nod walking back toward my bedroom.

"Don't wanna go for a walk anymore?" I shake my head smiling up at him, "it's naptime anyways"

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