Epilogue gretel pov

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12 years later

"Mom uncle Hansel finished the strawberries again!" I sit at the kitchen table in the new lov head quarters feeding my youngest daughter Marie. "Calm down Esper I'll pick some up from the store later today." I hear tenko call from the living room. After hansel and I had left hero society the truths of what the hero's had been covering up came to light. People started turning their backs on certain hero's and though crime rose, good hero's began taking their places on the charts. Specifically top hero deku. I stand lifting Marie and walk toward the living room. After a couple years Hansel and touya became hero's beside him.

I sit down on the coutch beside tenko. After around a year of living together he proposed.I said yes of course and 2 years later had Esper, 6 years after Esper I had Marie. My life was blessed and things were settled down.

"Hey g?" I hear tenko ask and I look at him, "yes T?" He smiles planting a kiss on my forhead.

"You know how much I love you right?"

"Yeah tenko to the moon and back.

To the moon and back Bnha X Ocs'Where stories live. Discover now