Regrets Gretel pov

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This was all my fault, all the lives I took they could have just been arrested but I had to loose control. "Gretel you need to eat" I was sat down at the table at home with my brother, I had plans in a half hour, killed hundreds of people before lunch. "I have a meet up in a half hour I'll eat then" I lie standing. I'll most likely get a coffee or something but that's about it. "You better, who are you meeting with?" I shrug, "a friend" I don't remember what happened after I drew in the darkness but when I came to in front of the podium I had realized what happened.

I head into my room digging through my closet. I'm lucky I didn't ruin my back brace. It's the only thing that's kept me on my feet today. I pull on a grey turtleneck dress with my brace under it and brush though my hair. I showered at least 3
Times after getting home so it was still damp. I hate the feeling of darkness, it made me feel disgusting and corrupt. After putting my hair in a tight bun I pull on combat boots. "What's got you all dressed up?" I hear Hansel by the door and I grab my wallet pulling on a black mask. "None of your business, mind it" i mumble.

As I speak there's a knock on the door. "Must be him, I'll be back around 2" I walk toward the door feeling Hansel behind me. "Who is he?????" his voice gets kinda whiny and I walk out the front door shutting it in my brothers face. I hear a soft thump as he runs into it a few seconds later. "You look tired" I turn to tenko who had a concerned look on his face. "I'm okay" i chirp and he shakes his head. "We'll I have our lunch here so why don't we hang at the park and eat?" I feel my cheeks heat up, I wouldn't be able to pay half the bill this way!

"Thank you tenko, I'd like that" he begins walking and I walk slowly beside him. Each step sent a dull pain though my back. "So you were on the news, never knew a hero who could take down a hundred hero's" he says and I rub the back of my neck. That means he must have seen the bloodbath. "Honestly I...I'm ashamed, I took in too much with my quirk and ended up killing a lot of people" I look at tenko as he responds. "We'll you saved people, your a hero G" I shake my head, "I don't want to be a hero anymore tenko" I see his eyes widen and watch him pull his hood more over his head.

He was wearing the same outfit as last night which wasn't surprising. "Don't say that G you know your good" he says and I shake my head, "wanna know something tenko? If I'm being honest...I'm disgusted with myself for this but when I killed those people...I didn't mind it...I know I should and that it was wrong. I regret it yes but mainly cause I...well I just dragged my whole career through the mud. I've done some bad things"

I feel a hand in mine and a thumb rub circles in the back of my hand comfortingly. I know it's tenko and I don't bother pulling my hand away, "do you really wanna quit being a hero?" I look him straight in the eyes to show I mean it and I speak, "I don't wanna be a hero tenko, I don't wanna be a villian either but I'm considering quitting. I lost my hero's license today anyways" I shrug but he stops. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He exclaims and I close my eyes. "No, they took my license, they have a right to, it's better than going to jail." His hand tightens and I feel eyes on me.

"Such a bright future" I hear someone mumble and I look up to see people staring at me. With my hair And stature I knew I was recognizable. "Get out of here villian" someone throws their drink at me and I feel tenko jerk me out of the way. "Leave her alone, without her help you'd all be in danger. She may have killed some villains but that means less of you disgusting people died!" Tenko exclaims clearly trying to put the attention on him to spare me but it dosent work. More drinks and some food are thrown at us but tenko puts up an umbrella blocking it.

"Just walk, ignore them I've got you" he murmurs beggining to walk again keeping the umbrella between us and the angry crowd around us. "ENOUGH!" I hear somebody yell and I realize the hero's have arrived. Tenkos shoulders tense and he moves faster holding onto me tighter. We hurry out of there now that the mobs stopped and were soon at the park. We find a secluded spot and I watch tenko put a large blanket down helping me to sit down. "How's your back feel?" He ashes as we sit. "Sore, I have a brace that's helping, without it I'd be hopeless" he nods letting out a small chuckle. "Your still a badass" he says and I chuckle as well.

Soon after we arrive we begin to eat (he made a bento it was onigiri and some tempura on the side.) I feel my cheeks heat up again as we eat. I wasn't able to see his face cause it seems he receded further into his hood but it was nice. The food was so good, "thankyou tenko it was amazing" I finally say once we're finished and he has the bento boxes back in his bag. "Of course, you deserve it after the past couple days, your so strong gretel" he looks at me and I see his masks back up again. "When will I see your face?" I finally ask and he shakes his head looking away "when I see yours" he muses and I get exited, "Really?" He shakes his head laughing, "nope"

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