Hansel pov

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Authors note: chapter name is pending I'm not sure what to call it yet-also the usj incident will take a different turn than cannon though the characters will be the same. I'll show the view of allmight only a fraction of the carachters In bnha see. This isn't quite an au but midoria wont be as willing to be a hero due to katuskis bullying and some other things.

The spiky haired blonde is the most explosive kid in this group, we're hardly down the road before he's yelling and aizawa has to move him. Who does he move him beside?! ME! I should have known he'd fuck me over like this. I lean against the window ignoring the childish teen beside me as he pouts quietly. I hear gretel just chatting away with aizawa a smile on her face most likely"

"The fuck did aizawa ask you along? Your sisters in top charts not you" damn for a kid he's pretty good at pissing me off. "My sister might be stronger but she and I are a duo, I don't know how well you'd know partners but she and I are stronger together than apart" the angry Pomeranian gets my comment and I hear his hands begin to pop. "EHH!! I DONT NEED TO WORK WITH ANYONE ANYWAYS! IMMA BE NUMBER ONE HERO UNLIKE YOU!" I roll my eyes.

"Kacchan I don't think mr yang wants-" "QUIET DEKU!" I look at the green haired boy the explosive teen yelled at and sigh. This blonde must be the bully of his class. I hope aizawa fixes that, the view he has on heroism is gonna get him hurt. I was the same at his age.

"We're there, everyone file out calmly" I watch a boy with blue hair and glasses say making karate chop motions. Oh no, another iida? After everyone's off the bus I get off myself. I see my sister lacing her skates as she prepares to go inside. I lace up my own skates and put my shaggy hair back into a ponytail. "You look like your preparing for war" laughs a girl standing beside the green haired boy from earlier. She had brown hair in a bob cut. "Uraka? Oh hello mr Yang!" I see the iida kid and I put on the heroic smile I usually give the public. "Hey kid"

The green haired boy cocks his head to the side then shakes it smiling as well. "Mr Yang will you be watching the sports festival?" Asks the iida kid and I shake my head. "Unfortunately I won't, I have daytime patrols, but surely my sister will." Our conversations cut short as aizawa begins to walking inside. My sister skates beside him but as she skates I see she's wearing a back brace, what happened last night that messed her up so bad?

As soon as we're inside everything changes, I realize the place seems to be under lockdown. "Yang get the kids outta here!" Are you kidding me?! I let out a sigh summoning my scythe. "Yin come with me" SO HE LEAVES ME TO BABY SIT?! I watch as low level villains approach me and I growl, "Kids! Behind me stick beside the wall and watch your backs!" "I GIVE YOU KIDS PERMISSION TO USE YOUR QUIRKS! DEFEND YOURSELVES AND EACHOTHER!"

Those are the last words I hear from my sensei before a hulking monster throws him against the wall. the villian standing in the center of Al of this looks at gretel and I almost panic. He was covered in hands but wasn't speaking. "HANSEL GET THE KIDS OUTTA HERE!" I turn to the wall putting my hands up and concentrating my energy to put a hole thrugh the wall. Burns sear across my palms as I do so but I have to get these children outta here. "KIDS FOLLOW YANG ILL HANDLE THESE GUYS! YANG CALL HELP ONCE YOUR OUT!" I'm dragged out by one of the students as an ice walls put up keeping the villains inside.

But my sisters the only one able to face them...

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