Season 1 Finale: Hansel pov

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Authors note: it took a while to get Hansel to this point but I have a huge question for you lovely readers! Do you prefer a specific sibling? Like both Hansel and gretel are awesome but whom do you prefer and why?-also the theme song for this chapter is this is home by cavetown.-also with dabi he's got damage but there's a healer in the League who's keeping him from getting to a bad point he dosent need the stitches but their kept as a percussion and he can cry and show emotions

My moods completely worsened when my wingsuit decides to stop working a few blocks from home. It ran on my quirk but since I've output so much energy it's having a hard time running.

I lean against a Bench trying to catch my breath. God I'm exausted. I sit down pulling out my phone with shaky hands but I don't call anyone. I was gonna call gretel but I'm sure she's busy with shigaraki. I'm near the cemetery mabye I'll visit touya. I lift my backpack and begin to make my way down the path into the cemetery. As I walk I pass graves old and new.

I kneel in front of touyas grave when I get there. "It's been a long time my friend" I whisper bowing my head enough it touches the ground. I go still praying to the first and last person I had feelings for. He was the sweetest friend and the most courageous person I knew. "I brought you something" I finally say opening my backpack pull a Boquet of roses from my backpack putting them In the vase full of water by the grave. I also pull out some cleaning wipes and clean up the grave moving leaves aside and into a pile washing dirt off the tombstone and watering the roses around his headstone his father must have planted the pink ones.

"Hansel" I hear an unfamiliar voice and I stand. "I know I know I'm going, let that god damn endevor know if I leave I'm gonna come back he was my best friend" I turn to see a man with a black hat and a mask, he wears a hoodie and sunglasses as well. "Your not the same guy as usual..." the man approaches me slowly and I draw my scythe, "when he said he'd kill me if he saw me here again I didn't know he meant literally" I mumble dizzy from the output of energy.

I watch the man reach for me and I see it, just the patch of purple burned skin. Looks like touya used to have. Would it be so bad to stop fighting? Gretels got someone to take care of her I have no real reason to stay. I close my eyes preparing for the blow but I feel a hug instead. "You idiot!" The man says and I feel instantly on guard. "Who are you?! Why are you hugging me!" I exclaim but the man holds me tighter, " look I know I'm supposed to be dead but it's me, Hansel it's touya" I move my hands to the man's face pulling his mask and glasses off to find it's indeed him, his scars are worse but he's no worse for wear.

I feel tears come to my eyes it's like my whole worlds crashing. He's alive he's safe. I clutch his arms speechless moving my hands to his cheeks to his shoulders trying to be sure it's him. My legs feel weak and I vaguely feel him catch me as they give out. I'm speetchless not sure what to say or do. Touyas alive he's safe he's well. I finally begin to sob holding on to my best friend burying my face in his shoulder. "Touya" i wail feeling him rub circles into my arms. "It was all my fault I'm so sorry I wasn't stronger"

"Shh shh it's okay Han just let it all out" I feel hun sit on a bench still holding me tightly. I can't get enough of him after this his scent his touch, even his warmth. It's all him him him After being without him so long it was an amazing feeling. The past six years were the worst years of my life. "Your okay Han, I've got you" exausted to the point of not crying anymore I rest my head on his shoulder sniffling here and there. My breathings slow and quiet but I don't care. Im not willing to let him go or move away. For a moment it's just like old times.

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