Chapter 4: Attention

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A week had gone by since we met the girls and it's been a nice change to get out to do things. Danica and I have become really good friends in a short space of time and we've been hanging out a lot. I even went to her home for lunch and her place is small but it was quite cozy and in a private area and I understand why, the peace and quiet was so nice. Also living near the wilderness was fun, we went on a hike one of the days, she beat me in that I was not trained enough but with more practise I will be able to finish an entire hike.

Lauren and I haven't really texted since that day when she asked me to sing to her so I just kept it as it was, she'll text when she's ready and so will I. Currently I am in the car with the band heading towards Nomad Records to speak to the owner since Danica got me in touch with them and said I had potential to be signed. From what I have heard, it's twins running the company, a brother and sister so I might feel right at home here.

We parked the car and got out and made our way inside and signed in at reception and told where to go. We headed up two floors and waited outside an office.

"What if they don't like us?" Shane asked and I could tell he was nervous, he fidgets a lot.

"Well, if they don't then we move on and find someone else" I told him and that didn't seem to help but it's all I had.

We waited for what seemed forever and then the door opened and we seen the first twin, she was around 5ft 6 in height, had short black hair that reached her shoulders, wearing simple jeans and a t shirt with a hoodie on and she motioned us to walk in. As we walked in we seen the second twin sitting down, as he stood he was around 6ft in height, short black hair combed to the side and wearing jeans and a muscle shirt that was a little too tight on him but it did it's job.

"Welcome, please take a seat" the sister said and pointed to two chairs and a small couch in front of the desk.

We all took our seats, we were all a bundle of nerves but we remained calm as we could.

"We are the Price Twins, my name is Jayde and this is my brother Joseph" Jayde said as she moved around to the other side of the desk and took a seat next to her brother.

"Pleasure is all ours, my name is Y/n and this is Shane, Xavier and Natalie" I said as I motioned to the others, "We are called Brotherhood" I told them and they began taking notes, this is like a job interview.

"Can we ask, why that name?" Jayde asked us.

"Well, funny story, we all met from a young age, then middle school then in high school and we all bonded over our love of Assassin's Creed and they are called a creed, a brotherhood so when we discovered we all have musical talent, it just seemed right" I told them and looked at the band as I said this and was all met with smiles.

We was asked a few more questions about what our talents were, how long we have been playing for and what our fan base is like on social feeds and on YouTube. But then came the big question, to hear us play. So we headed to a studio and we took our positions and tuned what instruments we had.

I spoke into the mic, "Would you like a cover or one of our own?" I asked and I saw them discuss and then Joseph talked back to us.

"Play one of your own, we need to see what your style is and how good you write" he said and I looked to the band.

"Any requests?" I asked them and they all started to think.

"How about something upbeat, all I can think of is Rebirthing" Natalie said and that was a good song to do.

"How about one we haven't practise before but know the beat?" Xavier suggested and that was risky but it's now or never.

"Monster then" I said and they all smiled and I turned back to face the Prices, "1, 2... 1, 2, 3"

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