Chapter 9: Breakfast at Tiffany's

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The morning came and I opened my eyes to see a head of black hair in my view and something new was awoken, shit how embarrassing. Luckily Lauren wasn't awake yet, so I slipped out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom and locked my door and the door to Kylie's and I took off my boxers and quickly dealt with my hard on. After that was done, I took a quick shower and then got dressed and unlocked the doors and left the bathroom and locked eyes with Lauren who just awoken.

"Morning" she said as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked and walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"Great, you showered?" she said and pulled at my shirt to kiss her lips which I gave into.

"I did, you can if you want and I'll make us some pancakes yeah" I said and she smiled and got up.

"Can you do blueberry pancakes?" she asked cutely and she moved to the bathroom.

"I sure can, take your time" I said and she disappeared into the bathroom and I made my way downstairs. As I was prepping in the kitchen I noticed the new issue of Vanguard Gaming and the front cover were Kylie and I's games that we released. (Forgot about this).

Kylie's was more into the VR gaming and it was like a Sims game but more involved to be like a real life growing up game and living in a world like our own. Mine was more based around TTRPG's and like an open world dungeons and dragons game that you can create a character with friends or strangers and create a party to go on adventures with each other and explore a vast world. The higher ups were really impressed with our ideas, as long as we can add to it they will keep the games active.

I smiled to myself and made the blueberry pancakes and I also did some scrambled eggs as well and set the table for the 5 of us and set down the mass amount of pancakes and eggs and made coffee and tea and then as I was finished, my parents, sister and Lauren walked in.

"Not a word, this is a one time thing" I said and mom was thankful she didn't have to cook. We all sat down and dived into the food. We talked about the beach yesterday and the fun we had, mom and dad were off work today but they were going out for the day. Kylie had work off but said she has plans, probably with Camila and Lauren said she had to go as soon as she ate, something about an important meeting. So, I was stumped on what to do. After everyone had left I was wondering around the house like an idiot then I got a text from Joseph, bit weird. I read the text and rolled my eyes at what had happened to him. I left the house and got in the car since Kylie didn't need it and I headed to where Joseph was.

It took about thirty minutes as I parked up but I didn't see him outside, you got to be kidding me. I got out the car and put my hood up and walked into the brothel, I showed my ID to security and ask them where a muscle man is and they pointed to a room on the second floor. I headed up and knocked first and then just walked in and saw a butt naked Joseph laying on a heart shaped bed with bottles on the ground and a number of sex toys on the floor. This is my boss, this is the guy who helps pay my wages. I shook my head and walked over to him. I grabbed a paddle that was on the floor and decided on a way to get him up. 

"JOSEPH WAKE UP!" I screamed and slapped the paddle across his ass probably a bit too hard but he was now wide awake and he reached around to grab his ass and he cried out and rolled over and now I have seen too much of this man than I would want to.

"YOU ASSHOLE, THAT HURT" he screamed back as I threw the paddle to the floor.

"You had a busy night, didn't you?" I asked and he stood and starting rubbing his ass faster and I looked away from him.

"Of course I did, I'm 30 I got a lot left in my body" he remarked back and I just waited for him.

"Get dressed, I'll be outside" I walked out the room to wait for however long it will take.

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