Chapter 8: Cake By The Ocean

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"So... what do you want to see?" Lauren said as she bit her lip and look at me.

My jaw dropped and it was evident, I didn't know how to respond or what to do. Did she actually just ask me that?

"No, Lauren.. please you honestly don't have to I-" I was cut off by Lauren leaning forward on her knees and take my hands in hers.

"I'm never usually like this but god, you sure do have a talent" she said and there was something I was seeing, she wanted a release.

"Lauren we don't, I don't want to" I told her and she looked a little upset and looked down but I continued, "I have so much respect for you and I don't want to ruin what we have right now by doing something we might regret. One day, just not right now" I told her and she slowly lifted her head and looked at me.

"Just kiss me" she said and was already bringing our lips together and I let her. I lay her down and lay next to her with our lips still connected. She lifted my shirt off and I threw it to the floor and I placed one hand on her waist and she kept one hand on my neck and the other moving over my chest and arms. Nothing went further than this, we was content with just kissing each other.


The next few days went by pretty smoothly, Lauren and I have been texting constantly and we even decided to get the girls and the band on board to have a day at the beach since we will be on tour with them at some point. In addition to this, we also got Danica's group to join the tour as well, Lauren wasn't too happy about this but she was fine once she remembered what I had said.

So, I got dressed in blue and black shorts with my sandals and also a black tank top with my shades. I grabbed my backpack and filled it with things I may need and I headed to the beach. When I got there I was late. I saw them all near the top and security was there as well including Kylie. The girls minus Camila were talking with the band and Danica. I walked over.

"Sorry I'm late, I always do it" I said and Danica got up to give me a hug. Everyone said hi to me.

"Hey, I left a cooler in my car, wanna come with me to get it?" Danica asked me and I was confused but agreed anyway. I gave my bag to Shane and headed with Danica.

"Is this just your ploy to get me alone to murder me?" I joked with her and she gave me a side glance. I admit she was hot but I know Lauren is the one.

"Maybe, it's not a cooler, it's a shovel for the evidence" she joked back and I like this banter.

She opened the trunk and there was a cooler but before we grabbed it she leaned against the trunk and I joined her. I pushed my hand in my pocket and pull out a penny and handed it to her.

She took it and pocketed it, "You and Lauren huh?" she asked and I quickly looked at her,

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said and she raised her hand to me.

"Don't say that, since we've been at the beach and the band talked she kept mentioning you. Once or twice was fine but it wasn't" she said and it was cute she asked about me.

"Nothing is official yet but we've kissed more than once" I told Danica and she smiled.

"You like her then?" she asked me.

"I do yeah" I said and Danica side hugged me.

"Glad you are happy at least, but just remember I had my hand down your pants first" she joked and I gasped and slapped her arm.

"No you had it on the side not actually all the way" I argued back but she wasn't having it.

"Let's just clear that up then, let me give you a hand job?" she offered and now I was shocked.

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