Chapter 6: We Will Rock You

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A week passed by since my date with Lauren, we haven't decided if we will see each other again, we haven't spoke much. Well the tickets for our first show went live and they were all sold within an hour. So the show is tonight and we have a mini tour bus coming for us to take us there. We invited the family, friends and I managed to get Kylie to ask they girls and they were definitely happy to be invited.

I did my usual routine and tried to calm my nerves the entire day. I went to the gym to get back into shape, did a few laps round the block and eventually the nerves subsided until the band came round and started to freak, this was going to be a day.

Kylie's POV:

I do not enjoy these meetings, but I had to be here to hear what would be happening. They were on about going to go on tour and what acts would join them. I was listening until they mentioned they still need an opening act.

"I know one" I blurted out and all eyes landed on me.

"You do, who?" the manager asks me.

"Well my sister and her band, they only just got recently signed but they have a concert tonight, if you check it out, you can see they are really good, I promise you" I said and they seem to take an interest and I gave them some details about them. As I texted Y/n the news I heard names like Lovato and Gomez to join and I enjoyed my job so much right now.

I looked up and realised the meeting was over as I was the only one left. I keep doing this, I grabbed my stuff and left the meeting room and made my way to the reception to sign out and switch over shifts for the day. I was walking down the hallway until I was pulled into a side room and pushed up against the wall as lips pressed against mine. I quickly pulled away and turned the light on to see Camila biting her lip at me.

"Damn Mila, I mean next time turn on a light, that could of been anyone" I said as I approached her and placed my hands on her waist.

"You should tell by now who is kissing you Ky" she said and leaned up to kiss me and I immediately kissed back.

So myself and Camila kind of hooked up a little but we are keeping it a secret because this can't work, I'm their bodyguard and she could be in trouble so we are trying to hide this until we either get caught or come clean but I enjoy the sneaking around.

"We have to hurry, I'm supposed to sign out to switch my shift" I tell her as she starts taking off my shirt as I lift her up onto the edge of a table.

"You'll be fine" she says as she throws my shirt somewhere behind me but she makes me look at her and wraps her hands around my neck, "Eyes on me baby" she says and that's all I need and I captured her lips between mine.

Your POV:

The band left a little while ago to get ready. I was at home eating chips and playing on my Xbox when Kylie texted me about being an opening act for the girls. I didn't know what she meant but I decided to head to the studio to ask Jayde and Joseph what they thought. But not before I threw on some clothes since I had a shower and just lay on my bed naked for a while. I got dressed and headed out.

When I got there I walked in and headed straight up to the office and knocked on the door before popping my head in.

"Hello" I said and I saw Jayde motion me in.

"Hey Y/n, what's up?" she said and stopped what she was doing and motioned me to sit down.

"Is Joseph around or just you today?" I asked and sat down in front of the desk.

"Just me, my brother comes when he wants, probably with some girl right now, as usual, but you're here for you so what's up?" she asked and leaned back.

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