Chapter 2: Big Bad Wolf

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The next two days soon came by and I was hiding my excitement to meet Fifth Harmony officially this time. We did our morning routine and had a quick breakfast and Kylie and I were soon on the road heading towards the building where she had her interview.

I was sitting in the passenger seat and my legs could not stay still. I have listened to them since they first debuted and instantly had a crush on Lauren, like most people. They are all beautiful girls but there was just something different about Lauren.

"We there yet?" I asked Kylie, I was becoming really impatient.

"Almost, you're going to do as I say right and behave yourself?" she asked me back and I turned my head towards her.

"Yes, this time I'll be good" I told her and I mean I will be good to an extent, I can't help just speaking sometimes.

We got there and I jumped out the car as fast but got pulled back by the seatbelt which got a laugh from Kylie, I undone my belt and then got out the car and I followed her into the building. We walked in and was escorted to a room and as we got in, there they were, Fifth Harmony; Ally, Dinah, Normani, Camila and of course Lauren and she gave me a knowing look. They all introduced themselves to Kylie and then she introduced us as I wasn't aloud to speak.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Kylie and hopefully I'll be a good bodyguard to all of you. Also this is my twin sister Y/N they wanted to come, big fan" she said and I gave a wave.

"It's good to put a name to a face" Lauren said and I smiled at her and was going to speak but I remembered my role.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Lauren remarked and I rolled my eyes at that and I gave Kylie a look and she already gave in to me.

"Hi, hello, I'm Y/N big big fan, I love all your music and your style and just yeah, really happy right now" I said and they all smiled at my excitement and even Lauren gave a genuine smile.

We spoke to the girls for a while and they got to know Kylie which seemed knowledgeable since she will spend time with them. I told them a little about myself too but this was Kylie's thing, I didn't want to impose on her.

After a while they got called to go through a dance practise and asked if we wanted to watch, we agreed not wanting to leave yet and we entered a dance studio and we saw chairs set up. Oh no, this is not a good idea.

I turned to Kylie, "Oh hey look, I'm erm, I'm going to go, I think I have other plans" I tried to get out of this but she kept a grip on my shoulder.

"No way, you wanted this you get to experience it all up close" she said and I whined like a baby, we sat down and I tried to calm myself the best I could. And then they began.

To say I was frozen in shock and amazement was an understatement, I have died and came back just to die again, this was so encapsulating to watch. When they moved to the floor for a brief moment, Lauren caught my gaze so I tried to play if off and look elsewhere but in a second when I looked back, she caught me again and just smiled. I'm very flustered right now.

At the chorus part I had to sing as well it's such a good song, but I didn't sing in my head I did aloud. 

'Cause if you wanna talk baby use your hands
If you wanna go make a move, you can
If you want a shot, baby cock and pull
If you're gonna bite, be a big bad wolf
If you wanna talk baby use your hands
If you wanna go make a move, you can
If you want a shot, baby cock and pull
If you're gonna bite, be a big bad wolf

I looked up and as they danced they all look at me, ok yes I have definitely died that look alone from them all just broke me. They finally finished up and Kylie and I applauded their performance. They talk a little about some music in the works and what is to come and they decided to show Kylie around the building since she will be here most days.

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