Kylie and Danica - Speechless (Part 2)

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It's been a month since Kylie starting working at Gems and her and Danica are a dream team, they work well behind the bar together serving drinks in quick succession and bring more people in than usual making business booming. Danica's feelings for Kylie grow more and more every second though and at some point she'll just come out with it.

Danica's POV:

It was Kylie and I's day off so I decided to head to her house and see if she wanted to hang out for the day, it was around noon so I headed there, as I knocked and waited I was surprised to see her parents home for the day.

"Danica what a lovely surprise, come on in" Kylie's dad said and let me in, I walked in and walked into the lounge to see Ashley there.

"Mrs Y/LN, lovely to see you again" I told her to see her smile at my manners, as she got up to give me a hug and then we sat down.

"Pleasure as always Danica, but Kylie isn't here at the moment, she's out on a morning date" Ashley said and that instantly diminished my mood, I can't blame her, she can go out with whoever, I just need the guts to ask her out, why am I so scared to do so.

As that thought rolled through my head the front door swung open with a pissed of Kylie walking through as she slammed the door shut, "Never going on a date again, people need to fuck off!" she shouted and stormed upstairs and her door then slammed shut as her parents and I looked at each other in shock.

"I'll go check on her" I said and they thanked me as I made my way upstairs, I knocked the door and opened it slowly but a pillow hit my face.

"Leave me alone!" she shouted and buried her head in her pillow, I picked it up and threw it back at her hitting her head and she turned with a look that could kill but it softened when she saw it was me.

"Shit, I didn't know you were here, sorry I hit you" she said and sat up against her headboard and brought her knees to her chest.

"It's all good, it's just a pillow" I raised my hands and walked over and sat at the end of the bed and took my boots off and pulled my feet up.

"Want to talk about it?" I offered and she pouted at me and looked at the spot next to her, so I gave in and moved position to sit next to her and wrapped an arm around her as she snuggled into me.

"Whenever I go on a date, it goes great but they only ask me out because of who my sister is, all the questions are about Y/N and I get it but what about me, when do I get my happy ending" she cried out and my heart broke for her and I rubbed her arm and kissed the top of her head.

"People are idiots, if they don't see how great you are" I told her and she sniffed and looked up at me.

"I just want to go on a date with someone, who doesn't know my family is famous and just wants to get to know me" she said and I decided just to do what my gut was telling me.

"How about you go on a date with me?" I asked and her eyes widened and she seemed genuinely shocked.

"Wait what?" she asked.

"I mean I do know your family but I'm not interested in them, I'm interested in you" I honestly told her and she could see I was being real with her.

"Right, but like a friend date?" she asked and I shook my head and held her hands in mine. 

"Like a date date" I told her and she didn't know how to respond, so I got up as she crawled to the end of the bed still in shock.

"Dan-" she began but I shushed her and she pursed her lips together into a cute pout.

"I'll pick you up at 6" I winked at her and left her to think about what I just did, I closed her door behind me and took a deep breathe, at least I did it. I quickly left the house and went home to have a full on panic mode, on what to wear for our date.

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