Chapter 11: Fight For This Love

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We were halfway into this tour, we were currently in Denver, Colorado. Lauren and I have not spoken since I called her a bitch and she slapped me. I would apologize but she played me and it hurt and even worse I heard she is sort of dating Wayne, why is that guy still here? I'm trying my best to ignore it. I've spent most of the tour locked away writing music and talking to Danica to get my mind off things. Also I've video called with Jayde to see how she is and she tells me our merchandise is selling so fast. Everything just seems out of sorts but Colorado is a place of nature and beautiful sites so I'm going to enjoy this.

I rented a car since we had a free day and I went on a drive with Kylie just to clear my head and get away from noise. We drove west of Denver for about 50 minutes and eventually came to the small town of Idaho Springs. We parked and got out and took a walk around.

"So, you spoke to her yet?" Kylie asked as we looked around and people were so friendly and greeted us.

"Not yet but what do I say?" I said and we got to a small park area and sat down on a bench.

"Not much you can do, she did play you and that's such a shitty thing to do, but you called her a bitch. You were angry which makes sense but yes she did start this" Kylie said and I nodded along, can this even be fixed?

"I wish I could just get away from everything, like here. It's quiet and calm and just seems relaxing" I said and looked around at this small town.

"What you gonna do move here?" she joked but I wasn't.

"I mean why not" I said and she stopped and gave me a serious look.

"You're serious aren't you?" she said and I didn't answer for a while I just shrugged, not right now but maybe one day.

"Come on" Kylie said and we got up and continued our walk. It really was a beautiful view. One day. We grabbed some food and talked with some townsfolk and then we headed back to the car and drove back to the concert site.

When we got back the girls had also come back from their outing and they looked over at us as we got out. I had to look and they all seemed sad and Lauren kept her eyes on me. I looked but quickly looked away.

"I got to work, but if you need me, you know where I am" Kylie said and I nodded as she walked away.

"Thanks Ky" I said and went back to our bus and walked in.

It was a bit quiet when I got on the bus, I looked around but the band weren't here. I found a note on the counter that read, 'If you get back by the time we do, come join and save me in the Nerf Battle - N' sounds like Nat needs me. I mean to have some fun, might as well. I took my hoodie off which left me in my tank top and I grabbed a bandana left for me and put it around my head and grabbed the two nerf pistols and placed the ammunition belt around my waist.

I left the bus and saw Wayne at the girls bus, I waited for a moment and pretended to check my phone and I looked up to see Lauren exit the bus and hug him and they held hands and walked away to a car. I put my phone away and took a deep breath but couldn't hold it back. I punched the side of the bus. Something cracked but who cares, I made my way into the place.

I hunted around for the band and made my way to the main stage and saw the idiots firing at each other and laughing their heads off, I needed this so much. We used to play nerf wars all the time as kids and even had made up names for each other. I ran down and met up with Natalie.

"Hey soldier, need a hand?" I said in my voice I do.

"Captain! You came to rescue me" she did in her really good southern accent.

"Let's do this" I said and we both went different way to flank the boys and take our shot. This lasted for about an hour of us chasing each other around the venue shooting nerf darts and we finally ran out and Nat and I cornered the boys since they were out and we used our remaining darts on them.

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