Kylie and Danica - Girlfriend (Finale Part)

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After their shift and promising to go back to Kylie's since her parents were out of town, they dropped by Danica's so she could pack a bag of clothes and they rushed to get back to Kylie's as the walked in and noticing how quiet it was, making it easy as well as they ate at work and didn't need to do anything as for going to Kylie's room.

They made their way up the stairs and Kylie started to get out her work clothes leaving herself in her underwear and turned to see Danica with no shirt on but going through her bag.

"What you looking for?" Kylie asked and she stepped closer to see Danica get something out her bag, a present and offer it to Kylie, "What's this?" Kylie asked taking the gift.

"Open it and find out" Danica told her to and shyly shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

Kylie hurriedly opened the gift and her eyes widened to see the Gameboy from the arcade from  their date weeks ago.

"You didn't?" Kylie asked her still in shock.

"I went back about a week after our date and I won it you, I just stayed for hours until I-" Danica didn't get to finish her sentence as Kylie tackled her into a hug and Danica wrapped her arms around her. Kylie pulled back after a moment.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you" Kylie told her and Danica smiled at her as she watched Kylie go to her shelf of a massive collection of old handheld consoles and consoles with games and placed it on her shelf.

"Ky?" Danica called for her and brought her out her thoughts and turned to her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Danica asked her and Kylie didn't expect that but she smiled and walked to her to kiss her as Danica kissed back then pulled away after a moment, "Is that a yes?" she asked before Kylie smiled.

"Shut up" and pulled her back into a kiss and walked her back till her legs hit the bed and she fell backwards onto it, pulling Kylie down with her. In seconds both were stripped of clothing and Danica flipped them over, showing that she was the top.

Danica kissed Kylie and made her way down her throat and over her chest, leaving sweet kisses over her body. She moved down her body taking her time and looking up to see Kylie with her eyes closed and head leaned back, Danica moved down to her breasts and kissed each one and giving each a moment of time to kiss all over and take her nipples in her mouth and give them some tender loving care. 

She kissed down her body over her toned stomach and moving her free hands up to squeeze her breasts and she kissed past where she needed it most and kissed her inner thighs and kissing near where she needed it.

"Danica I swear, anymore teasing and I'm kicking you off the bed" Kylie said through gritted teeth. Danica laughed a little bit as she breathed hot air against Kylie's core.

"Patience is a virtue sweetheart" Danica whispered as she kissed over her core and then slipped her tongue between her folds as Kylie gripped the sheets and threw her head back in bliss.

She made sure her tongue could get everywhere possible and she used her thumb to move circles over her clit and Kylie felt herself coming close but Danica pulled back to keep her held.

"Danica!" Kylie was going to curse her out but felt Danica lips collide with hers and she gasped when Danica pushed two fingers in her making her grip Danicas back and dig her nails in, Kylie using her own hand and held the hand that had Danica's fingers in her and tried to move it around to where she wanted it most and went she got to that point Danica knew how close she was.

Danica pumped her fingers fast and twisted them to make Kylie cum faster as Kylie rocked her hips against her fingers and dug her nails more into Danica but Danica gritted her teeth through the pain and when Kylie came, Kylie was rocked for the night.

They both lay there side by side panting and catching their breaths.

"Yes" Kylie said out of nowhere.

"What?" Danica questioned and turned her head to Kylie to see her already looking at her.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend" Kylie said making Danica smile and bring her into a kiss before sleep took over them both.


More weeks went by, the girls becoming more close and spending a lot of time together just doing random activities or more private activities as Danica learned that Kylie is a freak in the sheets and couldn't get enough after the first time when Kylie gave it back to Danica.

Kylie's POV:

I was getting ready for another shift at work when my phone rang signalling a facetime call, I grabbed it and noticed it was Y/n, I answered the call quickly to see Y/n appear on the screen wearing shorts and a muscle tee with a cap on backwards.

"Kylie!" she shouted and waved to me.

"Y/N! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you" I shouted back and sat down on my bed to talk to her I haven't seen her in ages.

"I know, I had some free time so why not see how you are doing?" Y/n asked and I blushed thinking about Danica but covered it quickly.

"I'm good, I got a job and I've been going out more, but enough about me, what about you, how's touring, you and Lauren still together?" I asked back and noticed her face fall a little and she knew I noticed that.

"Touring apart is hard and distance is hard, it's for two years, so we've ended it but it wasn't on bad terms we are still friends" she told me and I could see the sadness in her eyes and voice.

"Hey, don't be sad, you'll reunite one day and fall in love all over again" I told her making her smile again.

"Thanks for that, but what's this job you got?" she asked me and I was going to leave out a lot of details, I didn't want to mention Danica since they were good friends.

"I work at this club as a bartender in the evening, it's really good and I've made so many friends" I told her as my eyes flicked to the outfit I have to wear tonight, I said I'd dance again.

"Wow, that's awesome, I'm glad you are doing more sis, that's great" she told me and I smiled, I heard some voices in the back and she looked away then back to me.

"Ok, look I have to get going but I'll call every week from now on" she told me and I nodded and made note of that, we said our goodbyes and hung up the call as I finished getting ready and grabbed my outfit for tonight.

 I got to work and walked past the bar to give a quick kiss to Danica before making my way backstage and my eyes widened to see many people naked, all genders just free balling it. I placed my outfit down and tagged it with my name and nodded to them all to see them all smiling and I walked into the wall before walking out the door and ran to Danica while trying to tie my tie. I walked behind the bar where Danica took over to tie my tie.

"Why is there so many naked people backstage?" I asked her as she finished.

"Oh we have this new thing going on for people to have some fun with people" Danica said and pointed upstairs to the right.

"Like a brothel?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know the details, I just know I heard that word and I zoned out, I work at the bar and that's it" she said and I nodded and helped with preparing for tonight

My shift went well, I served with Danica up till 10 and then I did my own routine which people loved and even took it into the crowd to dance on the bar and tease the heck out of Danica, we overheard a few people talk about the new event of upstairs but Danica and I promised each other to stay away from that side of business and just stick to the downstairs part.

I finally feel grounded with someone and I couldn't believe it was Danica, hopefully this lasts because I finally found my soulmate.

And that's it for the trilogy of Kylie and Danica.

Thanks for the reads

~ Molly.

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