Chapter 20: We Are Family

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5 Years Later

"You cannot be serious, Mom tell him" Ashley said to me. So we are currently having breakfast and Ashley doesn't want Jamie to be a loner all his life and now is worried is will make a robot partner.

"He is only joking with you sweetheart" I said and ran a hand threw my hair.

The kids are now 15 and I'm so tired and exhausted listening to the same teen drama over and over again.

"It's not called a robot, it's an AI like an android... Mom can I?"

"No" I said before he could get any ideas. Don't get me wrong the kid is a genius but I'm not letting him build a robot.

I heard footsteps come downstairs and was thankful she was here to save me.

"Morning, what have I missed?" she said and kissed the kids heads and then kissed my lips still making me melt to this day. She walked to make herself a coffee and leaned on the counter and smirked at me since I was just checking her out.

"Jamie wants to build a robot partner and mom said no" Ashley said and Lauren just nodded as usual to the crazy talk that happens.

"Anyway, we got to go, come on robot guy" Ashley said and grabbed another piece of toast and kissed Lauren and I's cheek and left as Jamie waved to us both and left with his sister dragging him out.

"A robot?" Lauren questioned as I got up and made my way towards her.

"Wouldn't be the first time" I said and leaned into kiss her and she kissed back.

"Mm, you smell nice" I said and buried my head into her neck and gave a kiss.

"Thank you, but no messing me up" she said and I pulled back and raised my eyebrow.

"Where you going?" I asked with my hands on her waist and pulled her close to me and stole another kiss.

"Danica and I have that meeting for the business and you have work at the diner, I'll drop by when I'm done, okay?" she told me and I nodded. 

A year ago Danica joined partnership with the club we own and her and Lauren have been having ideas to expand and have a meeting with contractors and other business informatives to get it sorted. 

I kissed Lauren goodbye and made my way to the diner for work.

Jamie's POV:

Great worst time of the day, lunch. Ash always asked me to join her and her friends but I am not listening to their drama, I did it once and never wanted to do it again. I always bring my own lunch since I'm a very picky eater. I walked through the cafeteria making eye contact with Ash and she knew where I was going. 

I walked in the classroom seeing Mrs. Green and she nodded to the back room. She lets me stay in her classroom through lunch. I've always loved art and I have a good creativity so this is my favourite class. I walked into the back room to my surprise see two other boys. I walked in and sat on another table from them. I looked at them and noticed them straight away.

Sebastian Levine, the 'bad boy' I guess you can call him that of the school. Always in black with a leather jacket and doesn't give a shit about anything, he doesn't bully people just wants people to leave him alone.

Kenji Aoki, the sweetest guy in the entire school, he is always polite but there's that shy side of him too. He gets good grades, participates in many clubs but he is always alone, might be the way he likes it. Very intriguing.

I did make a friend when I was 10 but we went to different high schools so we lost contact so I was alone again but it never bothered me.

I got out my lunch and ate a little of it and then got my sketchbook out and started drawing. I didn't mean a fully on robot that could lead to an invasion. I meant a literal android (like from Detroit become human without them turning on us) it's crazy talk though, you'd need thousands to do it.

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