Chapter 12: Sexual Healing

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We kissed each other and we knew this would be special to us both she lifted up of me and I slipped on the condom as she slipped out of her dress and underwear and I switched our positions so she was the one laying down and I was on top. I looked at her and moved my hand onto her cheek which she closed her eyes at the touch.

"Anything you don't like just tell me" I told her and she nodded her head.

I moved myself down first and kissed in-between her legs on her thighs and moved my way up slowly until at was where I needed to be and kissed there and then licked her slowly and pushed my tongue in. When her back arched I knew I was doing something right, I reached up with my hands and held hers and I went as slow as possible to get her worked up.

After working some magic down there and before she came close I pulled away and kissed up her body and gave her breasts some attention, as I kissed one I massaged the other and then switched over to the other and then I kissed up the rest of her body to her lips and kissed her.

We were in deep now and I slowly grabbed myself and position at her entrance and she gasped between the kiss but I gave that as the go ahead and pushed in two inches. She moaned and held onto me, I waited and let her get used to it and I kept kissing her every now and then.

"Carry on please" she said and I nodded and pushed in inch by inch and making sure she was ok until I was completely in her and let her adjust. She nodded for me to continue.

I started to thrust myself slowly and she arched her back again and moved her hands onto my back and she dug her nails in me, that hurt but I moved through the pain. I thrusted a bit faster to get her into it and she spreads her legs more for me to move easier and I moved my hands on her breasts and gave the attention and we kissed through all this.

I went a bit harder and faster and I was in deep now and starting to build up a sweat and I knew she was close and so was I. I look at her and leaned my forehead against her and went faster and when she released so did I. We both caught our breaths and kissed each other.

"You good?" I asked and kissed her.

"I'm great, but don't stop there" she said and I gave her a look and she turned herself over and lifted her ass up to me, "Just do it from behind" she said and I was in shock but I definitely was not ready for this to be over.

I kissed up her back and moved my hands down to her ass and gave her a squeeze and pushed myself in from behind and continued my work. Very different from the front. I placed one hand on her lower back and the other on her hip and thrusted into her and she used the pillow to conceal her sounds.

I thrusted into her and I slapped her ass too which earned me a moan out of her and the encouragement to continue so I did just that. Thrusting harder and faster and slapping her ass here and there, the heat was building up in both of us and we released again and I pulled out and lay next to her and we were catching our breaths.

She leaned up on her arms and looked at me with a smile on her face and I smiled back.

"So, how was that for your first time?" I asked her and she shied away but looked at me and kissed my chest.

"Perfect, you?" she asked back and I leaned into her for a kiss.

"Best time of my life" I said and we kissed each other.

We gave ourselves a few minutes to collect ourselves and I disposed of the condom best I could. She got her dress back on and went to their bus to shower before the show. I cleaned up my bed area and showered and got dressed and when I sat down the band came back from dinner and the boys went to change for the show but Natalie came to me.

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