Chapter 15: Thank God You Introduced Me To Your Sister

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The next few weeks were hectic as hell. Lauren and I have been meeting up as much as we can but duty calls when you have to sing in the studio, then do a shoot, then go to another studio to record for tv. It's exhausting but we make it work. Lauren has just been doing shoots and some painting getting into her artistic side and she definitely has an eye for it. I was due today to go in the studio to record for hours on end, but my throat is sore and is very rough and I can hardly speak so I'm staying home while my parents are out, and Kylie is off doing something.

I walk down the stairs in sweats and a baggy sweatshirt and about to make myself some soup when there is a knock at the door, so I headed that direction and open the door to see Lauren to my surprise.

"Not that I like seeing you but what you are doing here?" I rasp out and she moved up to me and placed a finger on my lips.

"No talking, I'm here to take care of you, your mom told me, so I came to the rescue" she said and moved past me to the kitchen as I closed the door and followed her.

I followed her into the kitchen as she placed a bag on the counter and got out many things.

"So, I got you some medicine for your throat and some honey to put in tea for you, this is like the best one and I'm going to make you tea now and some soup and while I do that you are going to have a nice long shower" she tells me and I'm about to protest but she stops me.

"If you speak at all today, I'm going to smack you over the head, just do as I say" she orders me, and I give her a salute and head upstairs. I go in my room and undress myself and go in the bathroom and hop into the shower and enjoy the water over my body.

I was in the shower for a while just sitting down and letting the steam surround me and I heard the door open, and Lauren lay some towels down for me saying they are nice and warm and then left the room again making me smile. It was sweet of her to take care of me but still it occurred to me, why. We haven't really spoke about what it is between us or if anything will happen. we were together before, but touring stopped us and now we are not doing tours anymore maybe we could, but she said to go slow, and I respect that.

I eventually got up and turned the shower off and got out. I wiped the steam off the mirror and combed my hair and then tied it up to let it dry naturally. I dried my body and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into my bedroom to see Lauren sitting on my bed. She looked up at me and her eyes drifted over my torso since it was still a little wet then she looked away.

"You alright? You were sitting down in the shower, I wanted to make sure you're good" she asked, and I nodded since she told me not to speak. I grabbed my phone and got up the text to speech app and texted out, "Just thinking about things" she nodded accepting that answer.

"Ok but know that I'm here if you need to talk" she said, and I nodded. She walked to the door and turned back, "I'm making you soup now and tea, ok?" she said, and I nodded and dropped my towel in front of her making her run away and curse at me.

I got dressed in shorts and a simple t shirt and headed downstairs to the kitchen where my food was waiting for me and a bowl for herself too. We sat down in silence and ate the food; it was so good. After we ate and drank some nice tea, we went to the lounge and put on a movie and got a blanket over us and was really cosy. I felt her hand under the blanket on my thigh just drawing circles, I didn't think much of it and tried to focus on the movie.

15 minutes later we were making out with each other. I was on top of her our clothes were discarded on the floor and I was already deep in Lauren. I thrusted in her harder and deeper until she came but I didn't stop, and she didn't want me to, we both needed this. We were pulled away though when my phone rung, and I pulled from our kiss and looked at it.

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