Chapter 10: Bad Chick

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*2 months later*

It was finally tour time, I had my bags packed and Kylie was feeling like herself again. I hadn't spoke to Lauren as much as I'd like, we've both been pretty busy with our own careers and lives. But I headed to the studio to have one last talk with Jayde before boarding the tour bus with the band. We had one to ourselves and it was quite luxurious. To the left side there was a small kitchen area with a TV setup. Then on the right side there was a bathroom and two bunk beds opposite each other and a bit further up was two couches and then a storage part in the back to store our belongings. We all boarded and hit the road for San Diego. 

After we had all unpacked we was thankful that I brought the Xbox and hooked it up to the TV. We all sat down with some snacks and drinks and played to pass the time away.

"This is the best thing that's ever happened to us" Shane said as he took the bag of chips for himself.

"We got lucky for them inviting us but just how long will it last now Camila has gone" I said and we all passed around sad looks.

"You were the one who promised them a good time, so you better do it" Natalie said and grabbed a candy bar after passing the controller to Xavier.

"I can do that, I'm a charmer" I said and they all rolled their eyes as we passed the controller around and just played.

2 hour drive later and we arrived at the venue. We weren't due to play till the night so we had time to go exploring or just stay where we were. I wasn't really in the mood to go out so they went out with the girls as far as I knew. So I decided to relax and stripped down just to my boxers and carried on playing and eating pringles. After about 10 minutes I heard movement and decided to pause the game and look to see who it was and to my surprise and delight it was Lauren.

"Why are you always naked or half naked?" she asked as she walked in and sat next to me.

"It's more relaxing to me, I can go full way" I said and began to pull my boxers down. She reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Don't you dare" she said but she was smirking and blushing.

"You know, naked twister would be the best to play" I said and laughed and she leaned back and rested her legs over my lap.

"When you take me out next" she said and I kept a mental note of that.

"So, how come you didn't go out?" I asked her and gave her a pack of reeses which she dived into right away.

"Didn't feel like it and I guessed that you didn't so I thought we could spend some time together since we haven't spoke as much" she said and ate her food. I looked to her and gave a smile.

"Well, I am starving so if you want we could go grab a bite to eat" I asked her and she began thinking.

"Convince me" she said and put her wrapper down.

I smirked and moved to lean over her and she started laughing. I made her lay down and I just hovered over her.

"This isn't convincing but the view is nice" she said and wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me into a kiss but I missed her lips and went to her neck catching her completely off guard.

"Y-Y/n fuck" she began but I lightly bit her neck and continued to kiss her.

"Ok, fuck, yes you convinced me" she said and moved her hands to my lower back.

I moved to her ear and whispered, "Want me to stop?" I said and kissed below her ear.

"No" was all I needed and I continued. I was too concentrated on my work that I didn't even notice that Lauren had slipped her hands in my boxers until she squeezed my ass and then I moaned.

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