Chapter 7: Only Girl In The World

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The next morning I woke up reliving the events of last night and how amazing it was to play that show. I sat up and grabbed my phone of the bedside table and checked social media and my eyes went wide noticing that we are still number one trending. My phone started ringing and I smiled at who it was and answered.

"Morning Lauren" I said and my voice was still a bit raspy from waking so I cleared my throat.

"Wow, morning hey, you seen who's trending?" she said and I love how cute she gets when I do little things.

"I did see yeah, I can't believe it, it was so great to play last night" I told her and I lay back in bed and rested my free arm behind my head.

"You were amazing, well to make your morning even better, I have some big news and I want to see your reaction so can we video call?" she asked me and I didn't even hesitate, I switched my phone to camera mode and seconds later Lauren also appeared and she instantly looked away.

"Lauren, you have to look at me to tell me your news" I told her and she slowly turned her head to look at me and I saw the blush on her cheeks.

"Well, you should wear a shirt more often" she told me off and I moved my arm further away which made her whine, "Y/n... stop that" she added.

"I just woke up, sorry I sleep shirtless" I said like a joking apology and she shook her head at me, "What's your news anyway?"

"Well we are going on tour in a month and you are going to be our opening act!" she shouted the last part and I was utterly in shock I sat up.

"You're kidding me" I said and kept on the call and noticed I had a miss call from Jayde and messages from her revealing what Lauren just told me was indeed true.

"Heck no, you're coming on tour with us baby!" she celebrated again and I ran a hand through my hair and a smile appeared on my face, you could tell how happy I was.

"Wow, I can't believe it, so soon" I was a loss for words, I have to tell the band.

"Look Lauren, I have to go and tell the band, they'll be so stoked, can we meet up later?" I asked her and she seemed happier even from my question.

"Definitely, how about the park? I'll have security but we can get some alone time" she asked and I agreed.

"Perfect, it's a date" I said before she had time to process and I winked at her and ended the call.

I screamed in excitement so loud and bolted out my room and ran downstairs into the lounge and my noise woke the band up instantly.

"Guess who is going on tour and opening for Fifth Fucking Harmony!" I shouted and they all jumped up and screamed with me. We started talking about it and with that my parents walked in from the kitchen and they were happy for us.

We managed to calm down after a while and have some pancakes for breakfast and I had mail arrive, I opened it to reveal a letter from the show last night and Jayde saying that profits have been split and the band had earned an amount of money and it's been split four ways for each of us and added to our own personal account. I checked on my phone and there was definitely an improvement of $16,486 in there. I could get used to this.

The band went home to go tell their families and I went upstairs to shower and I never used to care what I wear but with Lauren I feel like I have to make an effort since she is super gorgeous all the time. I decided on blue stone washed jeans, black sneakers and a black V-neck long sleeve top and I put on my shades, anyone could be watching. I grabbed what I needed and headed out and walked to the park Lauren texted me about.

I quickly went to a milkshake to go place and grabbed two vanilla milkshakes with sprinkles and walked the rest of the way to the park. I arrived and scanned for Lauren and she was sitting on a bench and I noticed security not too far away. I walked over and Lauren motioned to the guards that it was okay and I sat down and handed her the milkshake.

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