Chapter 5: Tale As Old As Time

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"Would you want to go on a date with me?" Lauren asked me and I was speechless. Did she really just say that?

"Y-You're joking right?" I tried to play it off like she didn't just ask me that but the look in her eyes told me otherwise.

"Well, why not?" she said and there was something more but I didn't press her anymore.

"I'm not, I don't.." I couldn't get my words out, this was truly a dream come true but maybe she meant it a different way but since I didn't give an answer she looked embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm so stupid, of course you don't see me that way-" she starts to ramble and she gets up to move. So I get up too and grab her hand and spin her around and that was a mistake, we are real close right now.

"Lauren wait..." I said and I could feel her breath, she was breathing fast and so was I, I imagine her heart is hammering against her chest like mine.

"Lauren, of course I like you in that way, you are so bloody gorgeous and smart and talented and I would be a fool to turn down your invitation" I told her and the smile on her face grew with each compliment and I was happy I saved this.

"So yes, I will go on a date with you" I told her and she pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around her waist, she was on her tippy toes and it was adorable.

"Ok, great... we'll do something small since you don't like going out, how about you come here tomorrow night, yeah?" she said and I nodded and just smiled. I was so happy.

"Yeah definitely, I wouldn't miss it for the world" we hung for a little more when the awkwardness died down and then I headed out and made my way back home with Kylie since her shift finished and swapped over with the other guards.

We were in the car and I was driving and I knew she was looking at me.

"Take a photo it'll last longer" I said and she playfully slapped my arm.

"You were up in Lauren's room for ages, what happened?" she asked wondering if we did anything, not her business if we did but I get her concern.

"Nothing happened, she just asked me on a date and I said yes" I said and she was going to slap my arm again but I motioned that I was driving and we don't want to be in a wreck.

"A date, wow you really have had a good day, have you told her about...?" she started and I knew what she was getting at.

"Not yet, but if it comes up then I will anyway so far only Danica knows" I told her and I got another slap, I'm about to slap her upside the head.

"How the heck does Danica know?" she asked.

"She's watched our videos on the internet, she knew us already" I said and she nodded along to what I said. The rest of the journey was in quiet and we got back home in one piece and walked in.

I noticed mom in the kitchen as Kylie went that way and I knew dad was probably washing up before food. I went into the lounge and jump over the couch and lay down and grabbed the remote to watch OITNB.

The rest of the night went by pretty nice, we had dinner and talked about ours days and dad is interested to see if we have any ideas for our games yet but neither of us said anything because we are super competitive. We watched a movie and then headed up to bed for the night.

The next day I was so excited, I wonder what Lauren had in mind, I was appreciative that we aren't going out since I enjoy being inside more. I did my morning routine and after eating some breakfast I decided to do a little stream. So I headed back to my room and noticed movement in Kylie's room, I stood by the door for a moment and pressed my ear against the door.

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