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3 years later

It was finally time to say goodbye to the kids. They're 18 years old and spent summer waiting to get into the same college together. They each packed up their own cars with luggage and what they would need for the long drive back where we came from. LA. Our parents are still living over there so they won't be that alone.

Jamie got in taking on two majors which are Arts/Architecture and Spanish. Ashley got in and is also taking on two majors which are Music and also Spanish. They will surely have their work cut out for them. They aren't alone though their close friends are also going to UCLA; Sebastian, Kenji, Scarlett and Alexis.

They eventually got to leave after Lauren finally stopped hugging them, we said our goodbyes and they both drove away.

"Finally left the nest" I said out loud and wrapped my arm around Lauren as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Can't believe it's been 18 years already" she said in disbelief. I looked to her and smiled and we went back in the house and I closed the door behind us.

"You're right, wow" I said and pulled her close to me and my lips curled up into a smile.

"18 years being with you, damn Jauregui you got some kind of love potion on me" I joked with her and she pushed me away and went into the kitchen but not before swaying her hips a little making me follow her.

"We aren't kids anymore, you can't do that to me" I said and leaned on the doorframe as she leaned against the counter looking at me.

"And yet, you still followed me, you're so whipped" she teased me and I walked towards her.

"Am not" I challenged but she knew me too well.

"Are too" she said and I was now in front of her and I grabbed her chin not too rough and made her look at me.

"Maybe I am, but can you blame me" I told her and leaned down to kiss her and as I pulled away she just smiled at me making me do the same.

"All them years ago when we first met when Kylie went for an interview, who knew that we'd end up like this" I asked her and it sort of baffled me as well.

"I know, you were such a flirt" she teased me and I had to agree with her she was right.

"Says you who performed a very sexy song with a chair and planned the perfect first date" I told her making her blush as we recalled our memories.

"Then going on tour together, had a little falling out but we made up" she said trying to not go into too much detail about a certain someone who shall not be named.

"Yeah we did make up, wasn't how I wanted our first time but it was worth it" I said and she leaned against me.

"Then we lost contact but instantly got back together with a lot of teasing" she said and I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"And then we moved out here, had two amazing kids, what more could you want?" I said and also sort of asked her. We never spoke of marriage worried that it may change us so we always stayed as girlfriends, who knows what the future may hold for us.

She turned in my arms and wrapped hers around my neck as I moved mine down around her waist.

"I love you Y/N" she said to me.

"I love you too Lauren"

Very short chapter but just to round it up and end it happy.

If you do want a sequel, let me know by voting.

~ Molly.

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