Kylie and Danica - High Hopes (Part 1)

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A little spin-off mini series for Kylie and Danicas romance since I've been thinking about them for a few days and need to write about them.

Kylie's POV:

I got myself ready and headed downstairs to say hi and bye to my parents as I headed out the door but not before colliding with a body. I looked up ready to fight whoever blocked me but instantly stopped when I saw it was Danica.

"Hi, you know Y/n is on tour right?" I asked her, I mean she must know them two are best of friends.

"I do yeah, I came to see you and see if you wanted to hang out?" she asked me and I was shocked, she never asked me before, why now, is it just because Y/n isn't here.

"Well maybe another time, I have a job interview" I told her and started to make my way to the car but she ran in front of me again, this girl.

"Let me take you, if you can't hang out for a long time, I'll take any time, even if it's to take you to get a job?" she asked and what harm could it do so I agreed and she walked me to her Porsche and opened the door for me to get in and then got in herself.

"Nice car" I told her and she just gave me a smile and drove to where I told her. It wasn't an awkward silence we just played 20 questions to fill in the time and the more I got to know her the bigger fan I became. I already was a fan of her music but just seeing her as herself was way better.

She pulled up at the office and turned to face me, "Do you need me to wait for you?" she asked and I shook my head as I grabbed my bag, "No, I'll probably be a while and it's not fair to make you wait" I told her and stepped out the car but she called me back before I shut the door.

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