Chapter 16: Life Is A Highway

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Lauren stood there just as shocked as I was for why I was there. What are we? Is the question I asked her, and she had still yet to answer me. I stood there for about five minutes until she invited me inside and offered a drink, so I accepted and now we were on her couch both with a drink in our hands and just taking the occasional sip and not saying a word.

"Lauren, for god's sake just answer me" I was at my limit now and not knowing was torture enough.

"I thought we were just having fun, and nothing was serious, you remember what happened last time" she answered back, and it came off quite aggressive, but I didn't let that stop me.

"Yes, but that was when we were both going on tour and I'm not doing it now so we can actually have a relationship" I told her, and she seemed to consider it, but something still didn't sit right with her.

"But what happens if you do go on tour again?" she asked me, and I put my cup down and took her hands in mine.

"You are more important to me than going on tour, say the word and I won't go on tour ever again" I told her, but she shook her head.

"No, that's your career your dream-"

"You're my dream" I cut her off and she looked at me, "You are my dream, my everything, can't you see that, I want you, only you" I told her, and I placed my hand on her cheek and moved in and kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back with the same love we have for each other and as we pulled away our foreheads rested against each other.

"Ok then" she said and smiled.

"Ok then" I repeated and pecked her lips.


The next few months were almost relaxing. A month after Lauren and I renewed our relationship she asked me to move in with her. It was the first time for me leaving home, but I was excited to see Lauren every day. So, I moved in and actually realised how much stuff I have so most of it got thrown away, but I was fully moved in. 

The band and I released the first season of Empires and it's already received five-star rating and great response from the fans, so we are preparing a second season soon. The game I made had new content and also now has an app version so even better to play it anywhere. We have also been doing more streams and live streams just playing music and had thousands of people tuning into that. Makes it easier then travelling from place to place and just arrange a day to meet up in the studio and do it there. Life at the moment is great.

I wake up with the sun coming through the window and I turn over in bed to hear the sound of a laugh and a soft hand run through my hair. I open one eye to see Lauren.

"Not a morning person still" she says and leans down and kisses my head.

"I've never been a morning person" I say and wrap an arm around her, "Can we just stay in bed today please, I have no energy?" I ask but she is already moving and now I see she is already dressed.

"When I get back, we can" she tells me, and I sit up and move to the edge of the bed and pull her to me.

"Where are you going?" I asked her, I don't mind but if I need her, I'll know where she is.

"Well, I'm going to meet up with an old friend for breakfast" she tells me, and I raise an eyebrow but can only think it's her old friends from school or the girls.

"Ok, I'll see you when you get back then" I say, and she kisses me and heads for the door then turns back.

"How about we can do whatever you want when I get back?" she tells me, and I nod and lay back down as she leaves.

This Is The Life NEW VERSION You/LaurenWhere stories live. Discover now