Chapter 14: Kiss Me

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The next day the band and I were called to a studio to do a photoshoot for part of our underwear line. We didn't mind because it's gets people to buy it if they see us half naked. As we got there, we took a look around, a very small team is here which is what we tend to prefer but one person I didn't expect to see was Lauren. She did say she had a shoot today but no idea it was for us. We walked over and the band immediately went to the food table and as I approached her, she noticed me.

"I honestly did not know this was your shoot, if I had known I wouldn't of-" she was getting nervous, no idea why it's not like she doesn't know me.

"Lauren it's fine honestly, I would rather have you here then some stranger and like I said they needed the best and they do" I told her, she looked away and I noticed a tint of pink on her cheeks, still after two years we still like each other.

I was called over and excused myself from Lauren as she continued setting up. I went behind a screen and there were a few pieces of underwear to wear and was told that they need some shots of us alone and together as a band. I nodded and listened out to what they wanted and got changed into the first pair.

We were here for about five hours, going through different changes and trying to get the perfect shot. Lauren was doing great, and she tried her best not to stare too long at me, but she noticed a difference. After though we finally got changed back into our clothes and Jayde called us over.

"Great work today, I will need you all at another studio tomorrow to discuss this tv series thing and to go over details" she told us, we all nodded and put the info on our phones since we are all forgetful.

We walked away from Jayde and the band said their goodbyes since they knew I wanted to speak with Lauren. I saw her talking to someone, so I waited but as soon as they were done, I walked over to her.

"Well, that was a shoot I'll surely remember" she said to me, and I had to laugh.

"I mean, we haven't really had a chance to catch up" I said, and she seemed like she had an idea.

"Well, since the girls and I broke up, they gave us two years to stay in the house until we all found a place and since that has happened, we are planning on a goodbye party, and it'd be nice if you could come and of course the band too" she said, and I smiled at her.

"Yeah, that sounds great thank you" I told her, and she continued packing away and I walked away thinking about old memories, but I made my way back home.

I walked in the house and heard noise from the lounge and as I walked in, I saw dad on his laptop and music was playing and it was our latest album.

"Is this what you do in your spare time, listen to how amazing I sound?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Trying to get you more listeners but no, I'm working from home today" he told me, and I sat beside him and looked at what he was working on.

"So, I need to ask your game you made ages ago, people want more so any ideas you can give me so I can discuss with the team" he asked, and I totally forgot I was supposed to keep up on that. Sadly, Kylie's game didn't last long, and she doesn't want to add anything else to it but for some reason mine was very popular. I had some ideas, so I told him.

"Well since most games are going to mobile, we can do that and do like an app to sync up data" I said listing off ideas but as I was saying this, he had a smile on his face the kind of smile like he is hiding something, "Okay, what's going on?"

"I'm not saying a word, you'll have to find out on your own" he said and continued to work, I don't like when he keeps stuff from me, but I didn't press anymore, and I got up to go get ready for this party.

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