Chapter 19: Friends

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*3 years later*

The kids are 10 years old and school life is going great for them, well for one of them. Ashley can make friends with literally anyone and her and Luna even though they are cousins and have a 2 year gap they are close than ever. Jamie on the other hand, finds it hard to make friends, we've tried to get him into after school clubs or events in the neighbourhood but he just doesn't have that sort of confidence. Maybe a talk would help him.

I'm still working at the diner and bar but Lauren decided to end her photography career and take over the bar for me while I handle the diner since I do enjoy that more. Seems ironic that she takes over the bar named after my band and I take over the diner named after hers but it is what it is.

Danica and Kylie finally got married, it wasn't anything big just something small and special for them both but we didn't expect Camila to end up at the wedding either. We thought she was there to stop it but she didn't. Kylie and her had a talk and me being the best sister in the world, made her tell me straight after. 


3rd Person POV

After the wedding and they all head to the after party, Kylie excuses herself and goes to see Camila off to the side.

"This is sort of strange seeing you here... why are you here?" Kylie asked her, not even trading pleasantries just getting straight to the point.

"I'm sorry to do this, I don't even know why I came" Camila answered back and Kylie started to tap her foot, getting impatient.

"You obviously came for something so spit it out, I got a wife to get back too" Kylie said and a little smile made it's way onto her face after saying wife and taking a quick look back to see Danica messing around already with Y/N.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry, for all them years ago and breaking your heart, the reason was not fair and I didn't give you one. I get that it is way too late for it but I just wanted you to know that I am sorry, but it seems like you found someone who really loves you" Camila said and Kylie couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was too late but decided to just not and forgive her.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. How would you like to join us, have a drink?" Kylie offered and Camila nodded to agree.

They walked over to everyone else and Danica pulled Kylie into her arms and kissed her with all she had and as they pulled back, the biggest smile was on their faces.

End of Flashback

There was no need for her to be there but if it helped clear a conscious then so be it.

I was currently standing in the bathroom mirror after a shower looking at the scar on my chest from the knife three years ago. He was still in there. The door opened and I was met with a pair of warm hands on my back and around on my chest and tracing the scar down to my abdomen as I leaned back into the warmth of Lauren as she placed small kisses on my shoulder.

"This is nice" I moaned as I relaxed.

"Come into the bedroom" she said and moved to take my hand and lead me into the bedroom and I followed.

"Lay down on your front, I'm going to give you a massage" she told me and I gave her a quick kiss before doing as she asks. I lay down on my front, I didn't even bother with underwear, I just lay there and she grabbed something and then sat upon the back of my thighs.

She poured the oil she had onto the entire of my back and then started rubbing it into my muscles making me feel so relaxed a few moan escaped my lips and I could tell she was smiling.

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