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Lorraine Wallace definitely thought that life was like a fairy-tale her mom would read to her before bed. It was full of optimism, friendship, hope and a bright future. Her passing shattered the illusion, completely.

Eddie Munson grew up in the city, full of things that no boy should endure or witness. The day his uncle took him under his wing was probably the happiest he could remember. Moving into the trailer park was big change.

The only kids in the trailer park, Lorraine and Eddie became inseperable.

Lorraine always boasted about the books she had read and reread a hundred times, stealing them from the library, telling Eddie the insane stories of dystopian futures, fantasy lands on the peak of destruction.

He would share music that he had listened to back in the city, playing his beautiful B.C Rich guitar, reading inbetween the lines of guitar riffs and solos. The insane combination of lyrics, melodies, rhythms..

You see, life in the trailer park was full of stories like that. Not so hopeful, not so bright. You had to fight tooth and nail to get out of there, separate yourself from what had been your story, your real self. Follow the others, and you'll prevail.

But just like every fairy-tale, you fall on your ass and realize it's just that. Pressure to be what they expect of you can slowly creep up on you in the least expecting moments.

Two shattered mirrors scrambling to fix it the way others told them to. And even though through the years, each of them were able to pick up the pieces, slowly and gently, putting themselves back together. There was always one piece neither could fill.

The last piece to make themselves real.


This book contains adult themes, such as drug use, violence, mature themes and strong language.
All chapters with such content will be labeled at the beginning. Please read at your own risk.


I do not own any of the Stranger Things characters, themes or ideas.
I only own the characters I've added and their stories.

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