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They sat together, just a few yards from where the "party" was going on. It was more like a couple of outkasts hanging around a small fire they had set. Drinking beers, smoking, laughing and fooling around. Lorraine leaned against the rock and smiled watching as some of the boys started to tackle another, play fighting as everyone cheered on.

"I remember being their age," she said, looking over to Eddie. He took a sip from the beer that was twirling in both of his hands.

"It wasn't that long ago, Lorry" he laughed. "We're not ancient."

"Yeah but it feels like such a long time ago." She smiled, looking at the group once more.

Eddie stared at her, a small loving smile creeping on his face. There was a dim, orange glow casted on her soft features as she continued to laugh at the antics of the Hawkin kids.

"I guess I'm used to it," he chuckled lightly, lowering his gaze to his beer before giving another chug.

"You'll graduate, Eddie." She turned to him, and without moving his head, his eyes raised to her, his mouth gaping slightly as he poked his tongue to his upper lip. "Whatever it is you want after, it doesn't matter. You'll shine. Out of anyone here in Hawkins, you deserve that the most"

It was hard to hear someone believe in him so much. He was the freak, after all. Almost 21 and still in his senior year of high school. He didn't want some boring life, like everyone else wanted.

He rolled his knuckles against the beer bottle, his rings clinking softly against them. "You know," he continued staring at the bottle in his hands, watching the glimmer of the flames reflecting against the brown glass. "I was bummed when you left, but I gotta say Lorraine," He looked up at her, her soft smile looking back at him. "I'm proud you were able to at least..", he choked on his words a bit, feeling how his throat closed up on him. "You were able to make the leap, you flung yourself at life and even if it sucked, you did it. Isn't that what all your stories talk about? Being brave?" he chuckled. She continued to just stare at him, he wasn't sure that she was following his rambling or politely waiting for him to shut up. "You turned out to be the person you looked for in those books, I guess."

He finished, swinging back the beer and finishing it, discarding the bottle to his side. Lorraine was in awe, even if he hadn't blatantly said it, she could feel the fear in his voice. She saw him blossom into this confident man but couldn't believe that he thought so little of himself. It made her angry, but his deep chocolate brown eyes were waiting for her to say something, or do something. It weakened her, it melted her bones and felt like she wouldn't have the strength to even blink.

"If you want something, Eddie," she blurted in the silence. "Take it."

Eddie gulped, his face gulfed in the light of the fire that crackled only a few yards away. His eyes slowly analyzed her face, looking at the few stray hairs that tickled her eyelashes, her curled lips. It seemed like he was about to get closer, but someone began to shout Eddie's name from the distance.

He groaned, rolling his head in between his shoulders and forwards.

"Whaaat.." he whined like a child being scolded, taking his hand into his hair and shaking out his curls before raising his head with a large smile on his face, somewhat forced.

"Just wanted to know if you had anything on ya," said the boy.

"Nah, I'm off tonight,' Eddie said, pointing out a finger to his temple and saluting the boy. The boy shrugged, but instinctively held out a hand with a joint, offering it to both of them. Eddie hesitated for a moment but decided to take a short hit. Nodding, handing it over to Lorraine.

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