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Smoke filled the room of the party, clouding the sight of everyone who was attending. Lorraine continued to dance with Robin, having a few drinks in between. They sung the lyrics to most of the songs that came on, jumping up and down and clasping their hands together. Lorraine was on cloud nine, not caring for what was going on around her, instead insisting on sticking with her co-worker, or new friend.

She started bopping to the music, changing her pace as she started to feel tired. The heat, the smoke and the alcohol really was starting to get to her. Glancing around, she saw Nancy close to them, dancing around with Steve. It made her smile, thinking that they made a cute couple, and how fun they seem to be having together. Robin continued to shout out the lyrics to the song that was currently playing. Lorraine thought that, even if it had only been a few hours, she felt like she was safe around them.

The lights suddenly went out, the music abruptly stopping. Whipping her head towards Robin, Lorraine furrowed her brows, holding up her hands in confusion. Everyone started booing, thinking that the party had suddenly ended. Some people took out their lighters, trying to light their way towards the exit, when a blonde haired boy started shouting.

"Who the hell is the asshole who thought this was funny?" He shouted, as if the music was still blasting. Someone had found a flashlight, and shined it on the boy.

"Jason Carver?" Lorraine questioned softly to herself.

He was surrounded by similar built boys, all wearing Hawkin's basketball team jackets. She slightly rolled her eyes, the jocks wanted to play a prank. How cliché.

"Who did this?" He shouted once more, puffing out his chest as if he was trying to show off for someone.

People started to leave the house, plastic cups being thrown or left around, the party had ended and everyone wanted to go home or continue somewhere else.

"I guess it's over." Robin shrugged, wrapping an arm around Lorraine laughing. "Let's call it a night, I'm wiped."

Although there was a buzz of chatter throughout the house, they all heard the strange giggling that sounded like it was coming from outside the house. The mumbles came to a silence, everyone stopping in their tracks trying to see if they were just hearing things.

Something crashed against the window of the living room where they stood, a goo-like substance running slowly down the glass. Some people shouted, some people swore, but for sure everyone was a little on edge. Another crash could be heard from another part of the house, another window being attacked by another egg. There were roars of sinister laughter coming from various directions, as if the person responsible was with them. Robin grabbed Lorraine tighter, feeling the anxiety build.

Jason swore loudly, gesturing for the other team players to follow him out to the front of the house. Steve and Nancy walked over, Steve coaxing Robin by rubbing his hand softly on his back.

"It's Halloween, people love to pull shit like this." He said calmly, focusing on Robin. "Let's get out of here."

Robin let go of Lorraine's arm, as Steve guided her towards the door. Lorraine looked around the room, following behind the others leaving, trying to figure out what was going on. Another few crashes of eggs splattering across the house could be heard, menacing laughter erupting shortly after. She clenched her jaw, rather than being scared she was becoming angry. One thing is to egg someone's house, she thought, and another is scaring the crap out of people.

They were about to leave through the open front door, when they heard running from behind them. People shouting in fright, a group of three with flashlights waving around their masked faces. They jumped at people, scaring them half shitless as they laughed in their faces. Lorraine's brows strung together, pursing her lips.

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