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"Dustin!" she shouted, with a deep chuckle. "Dustin, come on!"

She tried to balance some of the plates that they had found in the mobile home, littered with scraps of grilled cheese, ham sandwiches and whatever Steve and Robin could cook up in a short amount of time. Dustin quickly rushed over and helped Lorraine with the leaning tower of plates that was quickly about to spill.

"Finally," She chuckled. "Now, go do the dishes."

"What?!" Dustin exclaimed, looking over to Lucas and Max who were both giggling softly to each other, still holding half of their meal in their hand. "But, but, but-"

"No buts," Lorraine grinned, wiping off her hands. "You're finished, so go on ahead and help the rest."

With a groan of defeat, Dustin rolled his head in a circle and marched into the mobile home. Lorraine looked at him, smiling like the Cheshire cat. Never having had a little brother before, she felt quite pleased bossing him around in a loving way.

"Damn, Wallace," Steve said, cracking open a Pepsi can as he sat on a lawn chair beside Robin. "You are bossy."

"Just 'cause we're going into battle doesn't mean we have to forget our responsibilities." Lorraine gave him a wink, as she started to fold the table that they'd taken out for their little table.

Robin was fiddling with a radio that she had found, trying to get some radio station although it seemed impossible, since they were quiet literally in the middle of nowhere. To Lorraine's surprise she was able to find just the hint of a melody, although it wasn't very recognizable.

She smiled, hugging her arms as she could feel the night breeze starting to creep its way onto the meadow. Her gaze lifted to the evening sky, dyed with hues of purple and pink, closely mixing in with a light blue of the night sky slowly rolling in. Scrunching her nose, her eyes crossed the tree line, searching for that one person she'd like to talk to at that moment. They hadn't spoken a single word since the argument, and she would rather clear the air then stay silent.

Finally her eyes met the tall figure leaning against a tree a few yards away, sneaking a cigarette. She softly smiled, making her way towards the tree where Eddie was leaning. The wind started to pick up, making Lorraine grip her arms a bit tighter, pushing away hair that decided to cling to her face. It almost felt like a trek to get to the forest, the light quickly diminishing as she got there, only the embers of the cigarette signaling where he was. As she leaned against the tree in front of him, he seemed to tense his muscles, like he was about to go into a shouting match once more.

"Eddie, I'm sorry. Again." She whispered, the crickets and the laughter of the others almost overpowering her words.

"No, Lorry," He pursed his lips, passing her the cigarette as he blew the smoke out from his lips. "I am. I shouldn't have shouted at you, and," He groaned, taking a hand to his curls and twirling them between his fingers. Lorraine took the cigarette and took a long drag. It was a few days since her last, and although she hadn't thought of smoking since, damn did it ease her nerves.

"I would do the same thing." He finally said, in a sigh. Looking over at Lorraine he waited, almost pouting, for a response. He hoped he would forgive her, for being such a dick about her helping him. About them helping. He really just didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want anyone else to die for some freak like him.

"So we agree," She smiled softly, flicking the ash of the cigarette. "We're both sorry. We're both idiots."

Eddie chuckled deeply, not expecting her response so quickly. He nodded as he shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded, agreeing to her statement. "A perfect couple of idiots."

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