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"Her body, just like..." He mumbled in a low whisper, his voice shaking. Eddie kept looking at the ground like he wasn't there in the boat house with Lorraine, Dustin and the others. His eyes darted from one spot on the floor to another, trying his best to tell them what had happened.

"Lifted up into the air and, uh..." Eddie's lip trembled. "And she just, like, hung there. In the air." His eyes seemed to water, a thin layer of sheen making his eyes twinkle sadly in the dim light of the boat house. "And her bones... Uh, she.." He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly like he was trying to get rid of an image that burned his retina.

"Her bones started to snap." He said furiously, like he couldn't even believe what he was saying. Lorraine covered her mouth, feeling like she could vomit at any moment. She bit the inside of her lips, frowning as she looked at the others who weren't as bothered by what he was describing.

"Her eyes man," He said, not frantically moving his hands, terrified of the thought. "It... it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling" His voice cracked, like he was about to burst into tears, motioning his hand almost like if he himself were pulling the strings.

"I.. I didn't know what to do, so I..." He trailed off, his voice still cracking at the memories that flashed before him. Staring off into space once more, his lip trembling. "I ran away. I left her there."

Lorraine bit into the skin of her fingers as she continued to keep quiet as the others eagerly listened to Eddie. She couldn't take the thought of seeing poor Chrissy going through that, how scared she must have felt, the pain... She almost let out a whimper, but quickly caught the voice in her mouth, without anyone noticing.

Eddie, as if he had been pulled out of a nightmare, looked up to Dustin quickly before looking over to Lorraine, and once more to the floor. "You all think I'm crazy right?" He asked, fidgeting in place before placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose, scrunching his eyes shut.

"No," Dustin said in a calming voice. "We don't think you're crazy."

"Don't bullshit me, man!" Eddie began to shout, his voice cracking once more. Lorraine winced at the change in tone, he was frustrated and scared. Rightfully so. "I know how this sounds."

"We're not bullshitting you." The redhead said.

"We believe you." Robin followed.

Lorraine wasn't sure what the hell was going on, as she looked onto the others, scared for Eddie and herself at this point. How could they be so calm? How could they feel like this is normal to them?

Eddie sighed and shook his head once again, not feeling like he could trust them. Lorraine was glued to the floor underneath her, not being able to move or speak as the others continued on. She felt like she was living in a book she had read a million times over, by an insane writer who truly wanted their characters to suffer.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you might be a little..." Dustin said in his calm voice, hesitating to finish. "Difficult to take."

Lorraine and Eddie both looked at Dustin, as his eyes bounced from the two.

Eddie nodded, softly speaking as he blinked nervously "Okay."

"You know how people say Hawkins is..."

"Cursed?" Lorraine croaked out, uncovering her mouth quickly only to pull the sleeve over once more, trying not to let out a scream of terror. Dustin and the others almost jumped at her voice, as they'd seem to almost forget that she was there.

"They're not.. Way off."

"There's another world. A world beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds... into ours" He said, wincing like he wasn't sure Eddie would believe him.

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