ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟ

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Lorraine's car slowly came to a stop, parking just beside the beach, where they exactly wanted to reach. The early morning hours made the boardwalk seem like a ghost town. Only the street lamps, and the two runaways were present to hear the small ripples of waves crash gently against the sand. All their things were packed in boxes, sitting in stacks in the back of her car. The many books they have read, or will read. All the cassettes and vinyls. Hell, there probably was a VHS or two that they promised they'd watch when they got to California, even though Lorriane knew that probably wouldn't happen.

She turned to Eddie, who was sound asleep. His feet were against the dashboard as his head slipped further towards the window, his hair bushy and sprawled across his face. Lorraine took her hand and placed it gently against his shoulder, shaking him lightly awake from his soft sleep.

"Eddie," She whispered with a smile "We're here."

He fluttered his eyelashes, blinking slowly as he opened his eyes. Before looking at Lorraine, he saw the ocean, deep dawn sky right in front of him. Finally turning to Lorraine, he rubbed his eyes awake and incorporated himself in his seat. The flood of excitement twinkled in his dark pupils as a big smile sprawled across his face. Placing his hands on the dashboard, he banged them softly against the hard plastic, giving a small shout of excitement.

Eddie quickly opened the car door, stepping out into the fresh salty breeze. Closing the door behind him, he took his hands to the back of his head as he walked towards the sand. Standing there for a moment, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. It smelt like freedom, it smelt like something new. It was the opportunity they had both been looking for, the ending to a horrible chapter in their lives.

Lorraine surprised Eddie when she hugged him from behind, squeezing him tightly. He smiled and brought his hands down, wrapping an arm around Lorraine and gently placing her in front of him. Wrapping his other arm around her, he gently placed his chin on her shoulder, tilting his head to one side as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Told ya we'd make it," He whispered between giggles.

"Only because I drove." She smirked, turning her head to face him. Her hands ran up and down his arms, until finally resting on his hands.

"Well, now that we're here." He continued with a smirk, "I need a new name, I guess. Being a wanted criminal and all. "

Lorraine chuckled, slapping his arm playfully. She took a step forward unwrapping herself from his arms and walked backwards toward the ocean. The breeze whipped her hair and jacket around, as Lorraine frantically tried to pull the stray hairs away from her face.

"No one here knows who Eddie Munson is." She spoke louder now, as the ocean seemed to engulf her voice. Eddie laughed and placed his hands in his pockets, walking towards her.

"But," She said, placing her elbow in one hand. Raising her index finger, she trailed the lines around her lips, thinking. "Maybe changing your last name would be good. I mean, we can get married, and you'll of course take my last name."

Eddie lifted his brows and titled his head to the side, a grin growing on his lips. "Lorraine Wallace, are you asking me to marry you?"

Lorraine bit her nail now, nervously, between giggles. She shook her head furiously, waiting for Eddie to get closer to her as she stopped in her tracks. With a giant smile, Eddie looked on at her, seeing the sun begin to rise just behind her figure. It could have been like a movie scene, Lorraine's hair flowing with the ocean breeze, Eddie's heart racing as he'd never thought that in his lifetime he'd find someone who understood him so well, let alone want to marry him.

He quickly quickened his pace towards her and grabbed Lorraine by the waist, lifting her up off the ground and spinning the two around. Lorraine screamed in a playful manner, placing her hands on his shoulder and squeezing tightly in case she were to fall. The sand kicked up around them, gently caressing them and even reaching Eddie's hair, which he paid no mind to. Gently letting her back on the ground, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he hugged her from the waist. Without a word he bent his head down to her, pressing his lips against hers passionately.

"It would be an honor," Eddie whispered against her lips, leaving small kisses between words. "To be Eddie Wallace." She smiled against his lips, their laughs and excited hearts mixing together just like the waves mixed with the sand once they crashed against the beach.

Lorraine pulled away, a smile on her face, her eyes beginning to twinkle with the sunrise and the tears that began to pool around the corners of her lids. Eddie chuckled softly, pushing the hair away from her face as he caressed her cheek. This was exactly what he wanted. This moment of peace. This moment of eternal happiness.

"You'll be okay, Eddie." She said, biting her lip softly as she nodded. The tear finally fell from her eye, but she continued to smile. "You'll be okay. Don't worry about me."

Eddie's brows furrowed slightly, his smile faintly disappearing from his face. His mouth opened slightly to say something, but wasn't exactly sure what Lorraine meant from her words. His finger gently caressed the tear away from her cheek, as Lorraine took his other hand and intertwined their fingers.

"You are my best friend, Edward Munson," She continued, the rays of deep orange sunrise glowing on her skin. "You are the love of my life."

"Ditto," He mustered in a whisper, a small smile appeared finally on his lips.

"All those nights, talking, playing music, or reading." She giggled for a moment, another tear falling from her eyes. "The many times you helped me, even when I didn't know I needed it. You made me finally realize what it was to love. To love you. To love myself."

"And," She continued, more tears spilling down her face, "Even though I never learned how to play the guitar like you promised, you did keep one promise, at least." Eddie's brows wrung together, tilting his head once more as he whispered her name but she took no notice of his voice, continuing.

"You made me real. You made us real." She almost yelped as her tears began to stream down her face. Eddie quickly placed his other hand on her cheek, cooing her to calm down, not understanding anything. "You'll be okay, Eddie. I'll be there with you. When you're playing a show, I'll be right there in the crowd. Like I've always been, like I always will. You'll be okay. I promise"

"Lorraine.." He whispered, looking into her eyes once more, the tears making the golden lines in her iris gleam brighter than normal. The sun quickly rose next to them, bathing them in a morning light that almost burned his eyes.

"I'll always love you, Eddie. For always." Her lips moved slowly but her voice was like a record playing in his mind. It was like she was in his head whispering words, although she was just in front of him. The sun grew too bright, he squinted for a moment as he still didn't understand what Lorraine was trying to say. He could hear whispers in his ears, like she was repeating the words right beside him.


"Lorraine! Eddie!"

He opened his eyes from the white light he saw and was awoken once again with dusty clouds and red lighting filling the sky. It took him a moment to figure out where he was, but quickly realized the pain in his legs and skin, the thunder roaring above him, Dustin's voice screaming out for them. He was in the Upside Down.

˜ " * ° • . ✫ . • ° * " ˜

This was meant to be one chapter, but I got carried away.
Cliffhanger, anyone?

Next chapter will be out soon :)

Title: Make It Real - Scorpions

Be safe <3


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