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Lorraine widened her eyes in a huff, feeling a soft scream leave her lips, throwing itself out of her dreams and into reality. Eddie was sitting in the tiny boat that was docked in the small shack, turning around frantically to see Lorraine gasp for breath, like she had been drowning. He scrambled out of the boat, getting closer to her, brushing the hair out of her face as he saw the look of terror in her eyes.

"Hey," He whispered, cooing his voice "You're okay, babe. You're okay."

She looked up at him, grabbing the hand that was pushing the hair out of her face, gripping it tightly. Lorraine shut her eyes quickly, opening them once more to look into his eyes.

"I thought you died." She said, plainly. Eddie furrowed his brows, sitting down next to her.

"I'm not dead, Lor." He said, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "I'm okay."

Lorraine looked into his eyes, with fear and sadness. They had not slept well that night, too many images clouding their mind with what had happened and what could be. The bags under her eyes had flared up, a deep purple running across the small freckles under her eyelashes, the golden flares of her eyes even more fierce with the dim light of the morning coming into the shack.

Eddie bent his head towards her, pressing his lips against hers tightly. He didn't want to feel the fear that he had felt last night, he didn't want her to feel the same either. He wanted to keep the feeling of their lips brushing against each other, the warmth of her breath against his. That was the only thing he could think of.

She took her hands and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him into her, starving for the security that Eddie offered her. His lips parted, deepening the kiss as their tongues wrestled each other, trying to fight off the feeling of near death that both had felt the entire night.

As Eddie reached into her shirt, his rough hands gripping her like there was no tomorrow, they both heard the soft engine of a car outside. Both immediately stopped, holding their pants in their throats so as to make no noise. He shot up, rummaging through the littered trash around the shack for the broken bottle he had used the night before.

He leaned into the window, ducking so no one could see him if they had tried to look in. He saw no one, but shot his hand up to Lorraine to keep quiet.

Suddenly the door swung open, causing Lorraine to jump and Eddie to point the bottle towards those who just came in.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie mumbled, angrily.

Dustin was smiling, chuckling almost, as he raised his hands showing off the grocery bags in his hand. Robin was behind him, and so was Steve, both waving awkwardly. They both sighed in relief, thinking that someone other than them had found their hideout.

"Delivery service!" He grinned.

˜ " * ° • . ✫ . • ° * " ˜

Lorraine paced the shack as the others looked at Eddie stuffing his mouth with HoneyComb cereal and a Yohoo. It made her smile softly, as she bit at the skin of her thumb. At least he's hungry, and in a slightly better mood. Better than how Lorraine was handling the situation. She was a nervous wreck, she still couldn't think that all of this was something that was possible, that monsters were real, that so many years reading and writing fantasy books and stories had culminated to this moment. She was now in one.

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