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The roar of the cafeteria wouldn't allow anyone to hear a single conversation that was going on. Not even Eddie could hear his club members talk about the upcoming special campaign that he had been planning for Halloween. He instinctively took small bites out of the packed sandwich he had brought. It could have been made of cardboard and he would still have eaten it, not even noticing that someone had playfully given him a small smack on the back of his neck.

The door closed forcefully, almost shaking the entire wall of the trailer home. Eddie couldn't move, it might have been the rain that had completely frozen him in time; it could have been the thunder that engulfed the silence that surrounded him; it could have been the way he saw her heart break right in front of him, without wanting to. He wanted her to have something better. Something better than he could offer her.

"But we should totally dress in our characters!" Dustin screamed at Mike. The black-haired boy rolled his eyes giving a huff. Eddie noticed, but continued to slowly pick at his food.

"I mean, it's Halloween, and we've got a surprise campaign. It's going to be so much fun!" The boy gleamed, looking over to Eddie, nodding his head eagerly as he waited for approval.

"I think it would be a great idea." He said with a stern, deeper voice. He was the dungeon master, after all. He gave Dustin a sweet smile, watching him almost jump out of his chair in glee while Mike laughed softly. Lucas sat down just beside them, Dustin already boasting about the good news.

Eddie couldn't think of the campaign, at least not right now. He hadn't written one in a while, but because he had two new members in his club, he needed to make it special. The new freshman had only recently joined the past month, only thanks to Eddie who had overheard them talking about D&D and knew at that moment he needed to take them under his wing - before they were torn apart by others. He had the idea of making it inspired by some horror movies, maybe to scare the shit out of them. Eddie smirked to himself, softly chuckling under his breath, taking another bite from the sandwich.

He turned on his heel, his head hung in defeat. He walked over to his own home, opening the door slowly and softly, not wanting to wake up his uncle.

"Hey Eddie," he said, cheerfully, but quickly was concerned as he saw the boy soaking wet. "Damn, it's raining dogs and cats out there."

His uncle walked over to the kitchen as Eddie just stood there, nodding in agreement. He took a hand and pushed back the bangs that clung to his forehead.

"I thought you were working tonight" he softly said.

"Yeah, me too, but due to the storm that's coming in, they let us go early" Uncle Wayne said as he was preparing something in a cup, his back to Eddie. "Go get changed, you'll catch your death."

Eddie chuckled ironically. His death, he thought, probably would feel much better than what he was feeling right now.

The bell pulled him from his thoughts, back to reality. He lifted his eyes to the clock in the middle of the cafeteria wall. 12:25. He softly sighed, watching the others start to get up and collect their stuff. He was hesitant to get up and continue the day, but reluctantly he stood and walked towards the door, tossing the half eaten sandwich to the trash.

˜ " * ° • . ✫ . • ° * " ˜

Putting away the box of VHS tapes that the manager had left her that morning, Lorraine listened to her cassette deck. The headphone that cradled her ears could be heard by those that were close to her. She tapped her foot to the rhythm of a new song by a group called a-ha. She had recently become obsessed with the song and the music video she saw on MTV. It soothed the rather negative thoughts she'd been having lately.

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