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"Maybe he does have rabies," Lorraine chuckled, as the four of them looked at Steve. He was screaming Dustin's name into the still, dusty air, mumbling things under his breath. She looked over to Robin who gave her a sly grin and a small chuckle.

What connection... Vecna... Lake...

Lorraine's gaze widened as she looked at Robin, who immediately mimicked her expression. She could have sworn she had just heard Dustin talking, frantically, but it was faint. Almost like when you would try to scream in a dream, only to have a whisper come out.

"I can hear him," Nancy said, shocking the others. Lorraine was glad that she wasn't going crazy.

"How is that possible?" Lorraine questioned, looking at Nancy.

"Will managed it," She said, turning to her sharply, before she and Steve began running around the house, trying to flip the lights on. "He communicated through the lights."

Lorraine, not sure exactly what Nancy meant by communicating through the lights, let her eyes look over the ceiling, watching the lights Nancy had tried turning on. Just out of the corner of her eye, she could see the chandelier of the dining room twinkle, almost unperceived. She walked slowly to the room, staring at what looked like small golden particles floating around the bulbs, almost like pixie dust.

"Uh, guys..." She croaked out, "Come look at this.."

The others gathered around her, getting as close as they could to the light that was, on its own, almost sparkling. Lorraine raised a hand towards it, feeling how the temperature changed as she got closer to it. It was warm, like a summer breeze caressing her fingers, whipping around her wrist and holding tight. As she did, the golden specs began to glow a brighter yellow. She quickly took her hand away, scared that something was going to happen.

As she did so, she looked over to Eddie, a worried look on her face. Without thinking, he took his hand to hers secretly, almost like he didn't want the others to know that she was scared, that he was scared. His thumb caressed the back side of her hand, as they all lifted a hand and reached out for the golden dust.

Breaking her gaze from Eddie, Lorraine could feel a tear find its way down her cheek. The warmth, the feeling around her hand made her almost break into a sob. She bit the inside of her lip, squeezing Eddie's hand in hers. It reminded her of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches after school, of her Mom braiding her hair in the summer, waking up late on a Saturday and hearing someone mow their lawn. Whatever it was, it was like the only happiness that existed on this plane was right there, floating above their heads.

"It actually feels... nice." Robin said, whisking her fingers around the dust as it glowed even more with all five of their hands in it. Eddie looked over to Lorraine once more, a small smirk on his face. He could feel the dust around his fingers, causing him to feel butterflies flutter in his chest. It was like a lazy hug in between cold sheets, like reading the ending of a good story, or finally mastering a difficult riff on his guitar.

Lorraine pulled her hand away, looking to Eddie as he did the same, their eyes twinkling against the golden light that warmed the dining room. She felt everything wash away as she looked at him, taking in a deep breath as she wiped her cheeks with her free hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

"Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy blurted in the silence, as the others looked at each other waiting for someone's response.

"Does.." Eddie mumbled, "Does S.O.S count? Does that help?"

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